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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Only He could have done it, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Only Christ, could have done it,
To exercise, restraint,when he had power, 
Power, to summon, twelve legions,
At a single request to the Father.

That's why, His sweat, got mingled with blood,
For He, could easily refuse,
Not my will, but thine, be done,
The blessed son didst choose.

Thank God, for suffering for me,
Thank God, for dying, on that cross,
Had you, not bridged, the gap,
I know, I would have lost.

Your obedience, to your father,
Bought mankind back,
You paid the price,
You brought us back.

You restored paradise, back to us,
You paid, for us, the price,
If I have something to boast,
It's you, my love, my Christ.

R. A. Jacob © February/17/19

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