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Wednesday, August 10, 2022



  1. How can Indian economy be classified in the basis of:-
  • Ownership
  • Nature of organisation
  • Types of economic activities (primary, secondary & tertiary)
  • Define the term
  • NSSO (national sample survey organization) It is the organization under the ministry of statistics of the government.It surveys the employment and unemployment of the workers.
  • NSO National Statistical Office 
  • MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act or MGNREGA in 2009, is an Indian labour law that aims to guarantee the 'right to work'.
  • TISCO tata iron and steel company limited
  • RIL reliance industries limited

Q. Define the following in detail 

  • Primary sector
  • Secondary sector
  • Tertiary sector/service sector

Q. Define the term GDP. 

Q. Explain the historical change in the proportion of workers in the three sectors of the economy.

Q. Explain the rising importance of tertiary sector in production. (Important question)(max. 5 points)

Q. Name the sector which is the largest employing sector. (Primary sector)

Q. Name the sector which has the largest proportion of incoming GDP. (Tertiary sector) 

Q. What do you understand by the term 

  •  Underemployment
  • Disguised unemployment
  • Casual worker

Q. How can more employment be created in rural areas? (5marks)

Q. Explain the characteristics of the organised sector / Unorganised sector

Q. Who are the vulnerable people who need protection in the Rural areas/ Urban areas

Q. Why is government intervention needed in various sectors?

Q. Why are public services run by the government only ?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Water resource class X

 Chapter 3

Water resource

  • ---------per cent of the total volume of the world’s water is in oceans. P-21

  • Only --------Percent of water is freshwater. . P-21 

  • Nearly------ per cent of this freshwater occurs as ice sheets and glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland and the mountainous regions of the world. . P-21

  • India receives nearly ------ per cent of the global precipitation and ranks 133 in terms of water availability per annum. P-21

  • Distinguish between- surface and groundwater resources? P-21

  • What are the three sources of fresh water? P-25

  • Define the term- Multi-Purpose River Valley Projects. State any five objectives of multipurpose projects. P-26

  • Name any four hydraulic structures of ancient India. P-26

  • What are dams and how do they help us in conserving and managing water? P-26

  • Based on the structure and the materials used, dams are classified as P-26

  • According to the height, dams can be categorised as P-26

  • ----------------- proudly proclaimed the dams as the ‘temples of modern India’. P-26

  • In recent years, multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny and opposition for various reasons. Discuss. P-27

  • Multi-purpose projects and large dams have also been the cause of many new social movements. Discuss P-27


  • Write a short note on Narmada Bachao Andolan & Tehri Dam Andolan. P-27

  • The making of dams has an impact on the social landscape. Discuss. P-27

  • What are the problems confronting multipurpose projects? P-29

  • What is rainwater harvesting? Explain water harvesting/management in ancient India by giving four examples. P-29-30

Name a remote village in south India that stands, as an example of rainwater harvesting in India. P-31

Write a short note on the following 2

  • Watershed development.

  • Rain water harvesting.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Vain is the help of help

Vain is the help of man

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Vain is the help of man,

Whose favour is as shifting sand,

I can't seek human favour,

You can better understand.

At my knees I plead and intercede,

For I know if you favour,

No human shield I need,

Protection of the protector I need.

Can someone hurt the eye of the Lord,

No it can never be,

I bank on His protection,

No human shield I need.

His shield is my vanguard,

His shield is my defence,

His shield is just sufficient,

His shield is my defence.

Friday, April 15, 2022

My voice

My voice

a poem by R.A. Jacob

My voice is often ignored,
Though I am loud and clear,
The world has chosen to ignore it,
So what if you can't hear.

I will raise my voice to my creator,
For sure, He shall hear,
My voice, my Lord,
Is my prayer.

Prayer is meant for the creator,
Not meant for human ears,
So what if they couldn't, understand,
So what if they couldn't hear.

I talk to the Almighty,
What more do I need,
So what if no one cares,
Christ is there to head.

Bulldozer is equal to development

Bulldozer is equal to development

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Bulldozer is equal to development,
A definition I never ever knew,
Development has got new meaning,
Meanings I never knew.

Democracy you have been syphoned,
Syphoned by the voting machine,
Justice thy eyes are tightly tied,
Truth can never be seen.

Bulldozer will rumble once again,
This time it will be my house,
Keep a finger on your lips,
Or development will be out.

Oppressors have the protection,
Oppressors are holding power,
Oppressed have to face the brunt,
Oppressed are often burnt.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Q1 Explain the first print.

Q2 Explain the contribution of Frederic Sorrieu in his print of the dream of worldwide democratic republics.

Q3 What do you understand by 

  • Absolutist empire
  • Utopian vision
  • Allegory (pg 23)

Q4 What is a nation according to Ernst Renan?

Q5 When did the French revolution take place? 1979

Q6 What do you understand by the concept of la patre/la citoyen/the estate general?

Q7 The cover of the German almanack designed by the journalist Andreas rebmann in 1798 had being used for a specific purpose. Elaborate. (3marks)

Q8 The French revolution introduced various measures and practices that could create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. Discuss(5 Marks)

Q9 What was the declared mission of the French revolutionaries?

Q10 What do you understand about the JACOBINE clubs?

Q11 What do you understand by the Napoleonic code or civil code organised in 1804? (3marks) 

Q12 In the areas conquered the reactions of the local populations to French rule were mixed. Discuss (5 Marks)

Q13 The Habsburg Empire that ruled over Austria-Hungary, for example, was a patchwork of many different regions and people. Discuss. (5 Marks) pg8

Q14 Explain the Aristocracy.

Q15 Socially and politically a landed aristocracy was the dominant class on the continent. Discuss (5 Marks /pg 8)

Q16 Explain about the new middle class. Pg 9

Q17 What did liberal nationalism stand for? Pg9

Q18 In the French revolution equality before the law did not necessarily stand for universal suffrage. Discuss (Pg 9/ 5 marker)

Q19 What is meant by Zollverein? When was it created? What was the main aim of the Zollverein?

Q20 Following the defeat of the Napolean in 1815, European governments were driven by a spirit of conservatism. Enumerate the features of Conservative Regimes set up in Europe after 1815.(5 Marks/pg10)

Q21 A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future. Discuss (5 Marks pg 11)

Q22 Conservative regimes in 1815 were autocratic. Discuss. Or

 Discuss the characteristics of the conservative regimes. 

Q23 What is the topic of discussion in the club of thinkers and anonymous caricature?

Q24 During the year 1814 the fear of repression drove many liberal-nationalists undergrounds. Discuss.(pg 12)

Q25 Explain the contribution of Guiseppe Mazzini. Pg 12

Q26 Metternich described GUISEPPE MAZZINI as the most dangerous enemy of our social order. 

Q27 Explain the first upheaval

Q28 Explain about the Greek war of independence.

Q29 Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation: art and poetry, stories and music helped express and shape nationalist feelings. Discuss (of 13/5marks)

Q30 Explain the contribution of

  • Johann Gottfried Herder.(14)
  • Karol kurspin(15)
  • Grimm brothers(15)
  • Otto von Bismarck 19 
  • Giuseppe Mazzini.  20
  • Chief minister Cavour.  21
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi. 22

Q31 ‘ Language played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments’ Support the statement with the help of a suitable example.

Q32 Describe the cause of the Silesian weaver's uprising. 

Q33 Who were Junkers? (Pg 19)

Q34 Describe the caricature of Otto von Bismarck in the German parliament.

Q35 In Britain the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long drawn-out process. Discuss (5 Marks/ pg 22)

Q36 The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871 was the area called the Balkans. Discuss (pg 26/ 5 Marks)

Q37 How was the Balkan region responsible for the first world war?

Q38 Nationalism aligned with imperialism led Europe to disaster in 1914. (Pg 27)

Monday, April 11, 2022

Population Composition Ch-3 Human Geography XII deleted

                                        chapter 3

1. Why is the age structure considered an important indicator of population composition? give one reason. 2016 pg-18

2. Why is the sex ratio in some European countries recorded favourable to females? give one reason.2015 pg-18

3. Name the country where the sex ratio is most unfavourable to women in the world. 2016 pg-18

4. What is the average sex ratio in the world? 2016 pg-18

5. Give the meaning of age structure. 2013 pg-18

6. How is the sex ratio calculated in different countries of the world? 2013 pg-17

7. Give the meaning of the age-sex structure of the population.2013 pg-18

8. Define the term sex ratio. 2012 pg-17

9. Name the country having the highest sex ratio in the world.  2012,2010 pg-18

10. Country having the lowest sex ratio? 2011, pg-18

11. Which age group of the population indicates the largest working population? 2008 pg-18

12. Divide the population of the world into 2 groups on the basis of residence. how do they differ from each other? explain any 2 points of difference  2011 pg-18

13. What do you understand by occupational structure? name the specific economic activities or occupational categories as identified by United Nations? 2011 pg-19

14. Why is the sex ratio unfavourable to women in the world? explain any 3 reasons 2011 pg-19

15. What is the sex ratio? explain the world pattern of the sex ratio with suitable egs. 2015 pg-17, 18

16.  What is the sex ratio? why is the sex ratio unfavourable to women in some countries of the world? explain any 4 reasons. 2010 pg-17

17. Describe rural & urban population composition of the world with examples. 2009 pg-19

Human Geography Nature and Scope Ch-1


                  The video above is for revision only you will get an explanation as I teach you in the class. Don't get confused                               

1. Which are the three core points of the human geography given by Ellen semple?         (Delhi 2009)  page 2                                      1 mark

2."The nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated." Justifying the statement.           (Delhi 2016) page 2                         3mark


"Nature and humans are inseparable elements". justify the statement with examples.              (Delhi 2017) page2

3." The knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop the technology." support this statement with examples. Page 2                   (All India 2015)   3mark           


4. How is knowledge of nature important to developing technology? explain with egs.       (Delhi 2010)Page 2

5. What is the subject matter of the study of geography? Explain any 3 facts.  (Delhi 2015) page 2 definition

6. Explain with egs how nature gets humanised.   (Delhi 2014) page 2

7. "There is mutual interaction between the elements of physical geography and human geography." supports the statement with.        (Delhi 2014)

8. Explain the concept of 'possibilism' with 3 suitable examples. Page 3

9. define "human geography" in your own words. mention any 4 fields of human geography.      (all India 2013)Page 6 

10. Define 'human geography and give 4 examples of elements of material culture created by humans, using the resources provided by nature. Page 2

11. Explain the concept of 'determinism' with suitable examples.    (Delhi 2011,09)pg-2

12. Explain the concept of neo determinism with suitable examples.pg-4


What is the new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of human geography? describe the concept with examples. (All India 2008)Pg-4

13. How does technology loosen the shackles of examples. on humans? explain with examples. (All India 2010)pg-2

14. State 6 approaches of human geography? (2008)Pg-5

15. State 6 different fields of human geography. (2008) pg-7

16. State any six subfields of social geography. (2008) pg-7

17. Six subfields of economic geography? (2008) pg-7


18." The knowledge and understanding of the laws are extremely valuable to humankind" Explain the values that can help us the gifts of nature in a sustainable manner. (2016)pg-2

19. Explain how technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. (Delhi 2012) pg-2

Friday, April 8, 2022

You are making them guinea pigs

You are making them guinea pigs,
Children of this batch,
Experiments on currency has already failed,
Now experimenting with this batch.

That was currency these are children,
Have some mercy now,
Don't experiment with a generation,
Every thing cannot be allowed.

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 If words had power, if the tongue could convey,

Then dearest, my dear, I could have conveyed.

This your card is not just a card,

It has your feelings, it's near my heart.

In this thy card,  have found a reward, 

For all my perseverance,to great a reward.

This gesure strengthens my belief,

That you care for me, this I can feel. 

Dowry , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Dowry , 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, 

Who says materialism?
Is in the west,
It is in dowry,
That it manifests.

You are sold for money,
What is your worth?
Those who have money,
Can keep you in a purse.

I cannot know,
I cannot understand,
How can love,
On this materialism stand.

Oh bride just answer,
This one, my quest,
How do you like
Your costliest pet.

Don’t say, I am wrong,
To call him a pet,
I feel through money,
It's pets you can get.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Mosquitoes in trouble

Mosquitoes in trouble

a poem by R.A.Jacob 

Mosquitoes in trouble,
There is threat to their lives,
Blood of human's
Has turned out to be wild.

They are human in form,
They are in human in deeds,
They have turned out to be animals,
Too wild to feed,

Mosquitoes are in trouble,
Least they to may imbibe,
The vice of society,
 Which are too wild.
They fear communalism,
May break their back,
Insect repellent and DDT,
They can simply sack.

Blood has turned out to be precious,
Too precious to be found,
Mostly in humans now demons abound,
Mostly in humans now demons abound.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Baits and baits,

 Baits and baits

A poem by R.A.Jacob

 Baits and baits,

Satan has thousands of them,

You may think it does not matter,

You may crash in the end.

Be sure of these little things,

They are His ploys,

Which he for faithful deploys,

So that He may you destroy.

Follow your master follow Him,

He has a cross to bear,

Bear His cross my dear ones,

He shall thy boat steer.

He is sufficient for all the needs,

On His word rely,

Hold on to faith my dear one,

Hold on as circumstance tries.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Assured once again of his saving grace

Assured once again of his saving grace, 

a poem by R.A.Jacob 

Assured once again of his saving grace, 

I’m ready to face on odds,

I know of His assuming love,

Let's proclaim the love of the Lord

You protect the steps of thy saints,   

You guide’ thy people’s path, 

You correct thy people always,

I praise thee for what you art

You controlled every second,

I am sure of this fact,

Accept this my praise,

For this, thine act

You controlled the speed,

You controlled the shape,

You controlled the action,

For this I praise.

Note: TESTIMONY    I and Sam were sitting at the door of the train my foot just hit the platform, as the train pass on from the station I could have lost my feet he saved me, l love him.

Speed in the last stanza refers to the speed of the train

The shape is about the shape of the platform its height which could hit me

Friday, April 1, 2022

SECONDARY ACTIVITIES ch 6 human geography



Board questions


1. Define the term technopolis.      (Delhi 2016)

2. Mention any 2 problems of the Ruhr industrial region. (ALL INDIA 2016)

3. How has the 'NEW RUHR' landscape emerged? (HOTS, ALL INDIA 2016)

4. What is a household industry? (2011)

5. Name any 2 sub-sectors of the cotton textile industry in the world. (Delhi 2009)

6. What is the importance of secondary activities in the world? 2009

7. Classify industries into 2 groups on the basis of metallic minerals. All India 2008


8. What are the traditional large-scale industrial regions? Give any 2 characteristics of them.2014

9. Describe any 3 characteristics of household industries. (Delhi 2014)

10. Give the meaning of the high-tech industry. State any 2 characteristics of this industry.2013

11. Explain any 3 characteristics of modern large-scale manufacturing in the world.2013, 2008

12. How do secondary activities add value to natural resources? Explain with 3 egs.2012

13. Explain the process of mechanization in the modern large-scale manufacturing industry in 3 points.2012

14. Explain any 3 characteristics of 'footloose industry'.2012

15. How are technological innovations an important aspect of modern manufacturing industries? Explain any 3 aspects in this regard. HOTS, 2011

16. Explain the concept of 'high technology industry' with egs.2011

17. Classify Industries of the world on the basis of ownership into 3 groups. State the main features of each group.2010, 2008

18. Distinguish between small-scale and large-scale industries by stating three points of each.2009


19. Explain 5 factors that influence the industrial location in the world.2015, 2010

20. Define the term manufacturing. Explain any 4 factors of small-scale manufacturing.2014

21. Define manufacturing. Classify manufacturing industries on the basis of size into 3 categories and explain the important characteristics of each type. in 2013

22. Explain the role of power and raw material in the location of heavy industries in India.2013, HOTS

23.  Describe any 5 factors influencing Industrial location in the World.2010

Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context Chapter 9 India


One mark questions.

1. Examine the twin environmental problem that emerged in the Indra Gandhi canal command areas. All India 2017

2. What is sectoral planning. Delhi 2013

3. How has the gaddi tribal community of the Bharmaur region maintained a distinct identity. All India 2013

4. What is the main objective to implement the fourth five-year plan for the people in drought-prone areas. Delhi 2009

5. In which 5-year plan of India were hill area development programs initiated. All India 2009

 3 mark questions 

6. Explain the main aims of the Bharmaur tribal area development plan.Delhi 2014

7. How has the introduction of Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation in the drylands of Rajasthan influenced the environmental conditions of the region positively? Explain any three points.HOTs, All India 2012

8. Write in brief the physical activity of the Bharmaur region. Delhi 2008

5 mark questions

9. Development is a multi-dimensional concept and signifies the positive, irreversible transformation of the economy, society, and environment. Support the statement with suitable arguments from India. Hots, Delhi 2010

10.” Hill area development programs in India were drawn keeping in view their topographical ecological, social and economic conditions.”Support this statement with a suitable explanation. Hots, All India 2010

11. Explain any five measures necessary for the promotion of sustainable development in ‘The Indira Gandhi Canal command area’.All India 2009

12. Describe five main points of the integrated tribal development project implemented in the Bharmaur region. All India 2008

13. Give a brief account of two stages of the Indira Gandhi Canal project. All India 2008

14. How would you define ecological, Social, and economic sustainabilities? Explain in brief. All India 2008

15. Suppose you have been given the power to modify the planning process. How would you use this power wisely and what would be your plan? Explain with reasons. Hota, All India 2008

16. Explain in brief the meaning and purpose of the target area program with suitable examples from India. All India 2008



Chapter 7 


1mark questions.

1. Give the meaning of the digital divide.2014 

2. Define the term ‘quaternary activities’.2014, 2009

3. Define the term ‘tertiary activities’.2013

4. Give any 2 examples of tertiary activities.2012

5. Give the meaning of retail trading services.2013, 2011

6. Give any 2 examples of quaternary activities.2012, 2013


8. Define the term ‘tourism’2012

3mark questions

9. Explain any 3 characteristics of quaternary activities.2011

10. Explain any 3 characteristics of 

Periodical markets of rural areas in the world.2010

11. What are the 2 factors affecting tourism in the world? 2010

12.’Outsourcing has resulted in opening up a large number of job opportunities in several countries. Analyse the statement with 3 suitable examples.2009

13. How does the climate of a region attract tourists? Explain with examples from different regions of the world.2009

14. Compare the features of rural and urban marketing centres of the world in three points.2008 

5mark questions

15. What is tourism? Analyse any 4 tourist attractions in the world.2016

16. What is medical tourism? Explain the scope of medical services for overseas patients in India.2015

17.’Services are a very important aspect of the economic development of a country’. Analyse the statement by explaining the 5 components of a service sector.2011





1. Which country of the world has the highest road density?         All India 2017

2. Why is Asia the least developed in rail facilities? Explain anyone       All India 2017 

3. Define the term ’transport network’?      Delhi 2015

4. In which country are motorways called ‘autobahns’?       All India 2018


5. Mention the busiest ocean route in the world.       Delhi 2015


Which is the busiest sea route in the world?

6. Name the seaports on each end of the Suez Canal?    Delhi 2014

7. Define the term road density?   Delhi 2014

8. What is the meaning of cyberspace?      All India 2014

9. Name the most important inland waterways of Germany      All India 2014


10. Name the terminal stations of the ‘Australian transcontinental railway?    Delhi 2013, 2009

11. Which highway connects North America to South America?   All India 2012


12. Name the navigational canal that serves as a gateway of commerce for both the continents of Asia and Europe?     Delhi 2011

13. Give the significance of the river S.t Lawrence River as an inland waterway?     Delhi 2011

14. Name the terminal stations of the orient express railways?      All India 2011

15. Name the terminal stations of the Australian transcontinental railway?     Delhi 2009

16. Name the terminal stations of the longest railway route in the world       All India 2009

17. Which is the famous petroleum pipeline of use?         All India 2009



18. Describe any three advantages of water transport in the world?     Delhi 2013

19. Explain any three points of economic significant of ‘trans-Siberian railway’          Delhi 2013

20. What is cyberspace? Describe any 2 advantages of the internet.      Delhi 2013

21. Why is the Rhine the world's most heavily used waterways? Explain any 3 reasons     Delhi 2013

22. Mention the famous oil pipeline of the USA. How are pipelines one of the most convenient modes of transport?      Delhi 2011


23. Classify means of communication on the basis of scale and quality into 2 categories. Explain any 2 characteristics of each category.   HOTS all India 2017

24.’The Suez and the Panama Canal are two vital man-made navigational canals that serve as the gateways of commerce for both the eastern and western worlds’ in the light of the statement, explain the economic significance of the 2 canals.         HOTS; Delhi 2015

25. Trans-Canadian railway line is considered as the economic artery of Canada ‘support the statement with suitable examples      HOTS; ALL INDIA 2016

26.’The rhine waterway is the world's most heavily island waterway ‘. In the light of this statement, examine the significance of the waterway.     HOTS; ALL INDIS 2015

27. Explain the importance of ‘communication services in the world     All India 2016

28. Which means of transport is extensively used for carrying water, petroleum, natural gas, and other liquids? Describe the network of this means of transport in his world      Delhi 2015

29. Describe the journey of the developments of land transport from the days of humans as carriers and the cableways of today    HOTS; DELHI 2015

30. Name the longest trans-continental railway in the world. Describe its 4 features.       Delhi 2015

31. Which shipping canal links the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean? Explain its 4 characteristics.

       All India 2015

32. Explain any 5 characteristics of rail transport in Europe         All India 2012

33. Which is the longest transcontinental railway of North America? Describe Its 4 features.

    All India 2015

34. State any 3 characteristics of water transport. Why is traffic far less on the Cape of Good Hope route?     Delhi 2012

35. Which continent has the highest road density? Why do traffic congestions occur on road? Explain any 3 measures to solve the problem of traffic congestion      Delhi 2013

36. Explain the merits and demerits of road transport in the world?       All India 2012

37. Explain the significance of each of the transported communication services available in the world.

    Delhi 2010

38. Name the principal mode of transportation in the world which is used for carrying liquids and gaseous materials only. Mention any 4 characteristics of this mode of transportation.      Delhi Board 2010

39. What is the significance of inland waterways? Explain the three factors responsible for the development of inland waterways in the world.   All India 2010

40. What are highways? Explain the significance of highways with examples from different counties 

   All India 2009

41. What is the importance of roads? Explain three reasons for the existence of good quality roads in developed countries.   All India 2009

42. Write any 6 features of the Suez Canal  Delhi 2009

43. Mention any 6 advantages of oceanic routes.   Delhi 2009

44. Which is the busiest sea route in the world? Describe its 4 characteristics.      Delhi 2008

45. Define the term ’transcontinental railways’. Write 4 characteristics each of trans-Siberian railways and trans-Canadian railways.  Delhi 2008

46. Define the term ‘transport’. Describe any 4 features of the highways of North America.    Delhi 2008.

Once again this child is forced

 Once again this child is forced, To live in the world of paper and page, I console this child for that’s the only place, Which I can provid...