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Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Only through his grace

Blood was shed in the garden of Eden
To cover Adams shame,
Blood was shed on galgath,
To cover every one's shame.

If you feel, you are naked,
Need a covering to cover your sins,
The clothing is provided by Christ the Lord,
Our master and our king.

On the day of judgement,
When my works are put to count,
I will hide in grace of Jesus,
Where in all righteousness abounds.

Men of deeds will fail ,
I will seek for His grace,
For our deeds are filthy rags,
He will look at me only through His grace.

R. A. Jacob

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Let them raise an alarm

Mighty God of Jacob never fails,
Let them raise an alarm,
When threats are raised against me,
I simply hide in His arms.

Do you fear,if so,
Forget fear, now,
No weapon, will touch thee,
Till the time, He allows.

Do not fear those,
Whose nostrils have breath,
Why fear,mere humans,
He is in total command.

Where is Nero? Where is Hitler?
Where are the tyrants of the earth
All have met the dust,
You my heart in Him trust.

R. A. Jacob

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Be ye connected

When they called the master of the house beelzebub,
How much more will they call you,
Be ye content to suffer for me,
Suffer as a servant that's true.

Be ye connected to vine,
For I am the true vine,
Let the world whine,
But you be connected to the vine.

My grace is sufficient for you,
I will never leave you,
Let the the world keep howling,
May they be many or, few.

R. A. Jacob© January/9/2019

Right hand of lies

How difficult it must have been for you,
To endure that Judas by your side,
For you knew he will betray you,
Yet you kept him by your side.

Traitor, deceiver,back stabber,
By your side what a plight,
I see traitor,deceiver, besides me
I plead to you, oh Christ.

I can't bear their treachery,
You only can protect me this time,
Catapult of lies have been fired,
I cling to the cross of Christ.

Give wisdom to the world around me,
Let them distinguish truth and lies,
Let their plans perish in thin air,
As a causeless curse that flies.

R. A. Jacob © 7/Feb/19

Only He could have done it, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Only Christ, could have done it,
To exercise, restraint,when he had power, 
Power, to summon, twelve legions,
At a single request to the Father.

That's why, His sweat, got mingled with blood,
For He, could easily refuse,
Not my will, but thine, be done,
The blessed son didst choose.

Thank God, for suffering for me,
Thank God, for dying, on that cross,
Had you, not bridged, the gap,
I know, I would have lost.

Your obedience, to your father,
Bought mankind back,
You paid the price,
You brought us back.

You restored paradise, back to us,
You paid, for us, the price,
If I have something to boast,
It's you, my love, my Christ.

R. A. Jacob © February/17/19

Monday, July 22, 2019

I am

I am, can make a shepherd king,
I am, can set captive free,
I am,is the same forever,
I am,is the master you see.

I am, is the essence of my life,
I am,is my only guide,
I am, is the God of Jacob,
I am, the inspiration of my life.

I am, can bring out water,
I am, can restore life,
I am, is the only reality,
I am, is the essence of life.

I am, I pray thee,step in my life,
I am, I need thee every time,
I am, please take charge of my life,
I am, all success is gift of thine.

Reginald Ajay Jacob
Note: I am stands for God.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Do not take the name of God in vain.

Do not take the name of God in vain,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Do not take the name of God in vain.
Don't do wrong quoting His name,
Creator is Creator of all,
Why take His name in vain.

He will balance all your deeds, 
Don't use His name in vain, 
Writing on Wall will be hard to see,
Why use His name in vain.

Sins of man can be forgiven,
I tell you for sure,
If we sin against Him,
We will surely end up in shame.

Don't use the name of almighty God,
He has ears He will hear for sure,
You may be found wanting, 
Don't touch his heart's core.

Note: The writing on the wall is related to the Life of king belshazzar, who desecrated the gold and silver goblets of the Lord's temple. The king lost his kingdom that same night.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Let the blind lead the blind

Let the blind lead the blind

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Sometimes people are blind,
I tell you they won't ever see,
Let the truth be hidden,
For the world can't ever see.

Let the blind lead the blind,
Let them both fall,
Why should I fall with them,
I know they know it all.

We have made ourselves blind,
Blind to the light of the world,
We fail to acknowledge Him,
The true light of the world.

He is the true wine,
He is the light,
He is the Shepard,
He is my delight.

If the world can't see it,
Let the blind lead the blind.
If the world can't see it,
Let the blind lead the blind.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Your religion is vain

If you fail to love your brother,
Then your religion is vain,
If you fail to love your mother-in-law,
Then your religion is vain.

Don't tell me it hurt you,
I think, pain is the sign of being alive,
If nothing ever hurts you,
Then I wonder if you are alive.

Blood comes out, it's ebbs out,
This is a sign of being alive,
If your hands reach out to the poor
It means you are alive.

God looks from heaven on Earth,
His eyes try children of man.
Oh my soul just understand,
He weighs every action of man.

Note :- Yes dear brothers and sisters, It is good for us to amaze wealth in heaven by giving to the poor on this Earth.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Do not insult me

Do not,insult me , He for me died,
Do not,insult me,He hears my cry,
I am His creation, I too have worth,
Though you may not feel it,
I still am worth.

When I am thrashed to the wall,
I turn to the Lord in prayer,
No human satisfaction I need,
To Him I raise my tears.

Father cares for His child,
He hears,my every cry,
His protection is my shield,
No human door, shall I try.

Some drops of tears

Some drops of tears
Came to mine eyes
I all those tears,
With my fingers didst wipe.

Don't ask me alas ,
What brought  those tears,
I tell you my dear,
They were all my fears.

Yet they ebbed out,
Out  of my bleeding heart,
Tears are groaning of spirit,
The language of a broken heart,

Who has power to hold them,
All humans should shed them,alas!
Many prayers are in this language,
Which creator can hear and bear.

Bottle all my tears Lord,
To thee my Lord ,I cry,
For you know my intersession,
For intervention my Lord, I cry.

He holds the destiny of the world

He holds the destiny of the world,
So why shouldn't I to Him cry,
He can change destiny of the world,
To Him most perfect I cry.

I cry, that he may wipe my tears,
I cry, that he may take my fears,
I cry, that I be washed clean,
I cry, that he may hide my sins.

Sinner pleads to the O Lord,
To the Cross I raise mine eyes,
Remember me in paradise,
You are,my hope, my life.

Should I fight with Him?

Should I fight with Him?

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Should I fight with Him?
As he kneads the clay,
Should I fight with Him? 
As he blocks my way.

You have the right to,
Block of my path,
If I from my folly,
Just do not depart.

You know better,
You are a sound judge,
In your discretion, 
My soul doth trust .

Your punishment is for my refinement,
It’s a tool to set me right,
You block all the path of destruction,
Which I find too bright.

Why do you love me so much?
Such love is too hard to find,
What I had to bear as recompense,
Is borne by you Oh Christ.

Some time it makes me wonder

Some times it makes me wonder,
Why should the Son of God,
Die for lost mankind at all,
I wonder how can it be.

The one who made the universe,
The one who created all,
Should die to save the lost mankind,
Should die to save one and all.

For the sake of His breath,
He breathed in Eden on man,
The saviour of world had to come,
To claim His creation back.

What a colossal price to pay,
Dying to save the dust ,
Dust on which He had breathed,
To him even that dust had worth.

Count your worth my dear child,
Count your worth my dear one,
For your sake the saviour died,
Have you ever heard of such love.

He loves you ,you are never alone
He loves you ,no sobs of loneliness,
He loves you,no dejection to grief,
He loves you what more do you need.

This Jacob is Israel a poem by R.A.Jacob

I am not sure of my shoulders,
Yet I am sure of His strength,
His strength is made perfect,
In our hour of weakness.

I am not just Jacob,
I am Jacob with His Lord,
Why should I fear,
The lenght of the sowrd.

Nither the strength of iron,
Nor the edge of the sword,
Can rob me of my strength,
That I have in the Lord.

If I am a wire,
Than I am live,
fear not my heart,fear not
This Jacob is Israel.

Tuesday, March 21, 2000

My train is -------------------4(I see my dream breaking today), a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I see my dream breaking today

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I see my dream breaking today,
Erased are all tracks as I find,
Pain is drip, drip, dripping, and
I each fraction sipping

I shall drink this ocean by and by,
Each drop of tears that I cry,
Yet this flood can't ever,
My courage, defy.

My fall can never be final
Failure has to fail I’m sure,
Seeking success from Him
Who has something good in-store?

Note: In the poem I just now shared, you will not find the train, even the poem proclaims that the tracks are all erased, yet you will find the solid faith, still confident of God’s providence. This poem was written on 21st March 2000. See it in the light of the three poems,(MY TRAIN IS RUNNING AT ITS FASTEST) which you have already read and you will relish it I am sure

Monday, March 20, 2000

3 My Train Is Running At its Fastest , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

3 My Train Is Running At Its Fastest

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Even if the track comes to an end,
The train, shall not, be stalled,
Uphill on the mountain of faith,
The train shall still go on.

Men shall not live by bread alone
But by every word,
Jonah in the depth of the sea,
Was yet by the Savior was heard.

Uphill goes the train,
On the mountain of faith,
As the track is nearing the end,
In humble adoration, I stand.

Will the track, be provided?
Will the sea ever part?
A battle of faith,
A test of the heart.

Let the track come to an end,
Let the sea just stand,
But just as Peters,
Just hold our hands.

Note: This is the third part of the poem that wrote in 2000 on the same issue. Faith is mightier the mountains. God gave me the faith though I lost that job yet He proved to be mightier than everything. He did not fail me with Him I emerged stronger.

Tuesday, March 7, 2000

2 My train is running at its fastest, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My train is running at its fastest

My train is running at its fastest,
It has approached 2000 as I find,
I have reached the penultimate,
Few more yards of track, I find.

In front is the mighty sea,
Behind is hunger and want,
I shall not curse my Savior,
Who can satisfy all my wants?

I am waiting for the deliverance,
As the track is nearing its end,
I have decided not to mummer,
I am sure the track shall not end.

Before my foes overpower me,
He’ll divide the sea into parts,
Before my train derails,
He’ll provide the path.

Fear not oh Jacob, fear not,
His grace is sufficient every time,
Before the track comes to an end,
An unending track ye shall find.


written on 7th Jan 2000.

Sunday, December 19, 1999

My Train Is Running At Its Fastest

My train is running at its fastest

My train is running at its fastest,
It will reach 2000 any time,
I see the track in 2000 just one fourth,
No more of it I can find.

Yet as the driver of my train,
I do not have any breaks,
I console my guard do not fear,
He shall put the track before we near.

Passengers are just content,
They know not millennium is near,
They are just too content,
Seeing them, I lose all fears.

He shall provide the track,
Who provided, Abraham the ram,
I am sure of his provisions,
I know the track shall not end.

NOTE: The poem you just read talks about MY LIFE’S TRAIN.
The poem reveals the time when it is written as it proclaims it will reach 2000 any time.
The track is THE JOB, which I had as a teacher in a school, which was just until April.
PASSENGERS are my children.
GUARD is my wife. The poem was written on 19/Dec/1999

Tuesday, April 22, 1997

Fight my case, Lord, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India


Fight my case, Lord,
Chase my foes Lord,
Settle it once for all,
I leave my request to the Lord.

You know when it is better,
You know what is the right time,
To thee, I leave my Petition,
You know better than I.

You know when, why and how,
To thee my Lord I allow,
Taking thy time as standard,
I’ll not even lift up my eyes

Class XI Geography Question Bank India

Class XI Geography Question Bank India Chapter 1. Answer the following questions .  Why has 82 30 mins east has been chosen as a standard me...