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Tuesday, March 21, 2000

My train is -------------------4(I see my dream breaking today), a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I see my dream breaking today

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I see my dream breaking today,
Erased are all tracks as I find,
Pain is drip, drip, dripping, and
I each fraction sipping

I shall drink this ocean by and by,
Each drop of tears that I cry,
Yet this flood can't ever,
My courage, defy.

My fall can never be final
Failure has to fail I’m sure,
Seeking success from Him
Who has something good in-store?

Note: In the poem I just now shared, you will not find the train, even the poem proclaims that the tracks are all erased, yet you will find the solid faith, still confident of God’s providence. This poem was written on 21st March 2000. See it in the light of the three poems,(MY TRAIN IS RUNNING AT ITS FASTEST) which you have already read and you will relish it I am sure

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