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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Some time it makes me wonder

Some times it makes me wonder,
Why should the Son of God,
Die for lost mankind at all,
I wonder how can it be.

The one who made the universe,
The one who created all,
Should die to save the lost mankind,
Should die to save one and all.

For the sake of His breath,
He breathed in Eden on man,
The saviour of world had to come,
To claim His creation back.

What a colossal price to pay,
Dying to save the dust ,
Dust on which He had breathed,
To him even that dust had worth.

Count your worth my dear child,
Count your worth my dear one,
For your sake the saviour died,
Have you ever heard of such love.

He loves you ,you are never alone
He loves you ,no sobs of loneliness,
He loves you,no dejection to grief,
He loves you what more do you need.

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