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Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Dust to dust, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Dust to dust
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Today your highness,
Tomorrow dust to dust.
How frail are human beings,
Whom should the humans trust?

Whatever be your position,
Remember, dust to dust,
Dust should not boast, I tell you,
For tomorrow, its dust to dust.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Christ has shown the way, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Christ has shown the way
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

You have made my house,
A den of thieves,
Cried out, the lord, most high,
Let us not such experiment try.

Pharisees were filling,
The temple treasure,
Christ should have been satisfied
See the answers, no, never, nigh.

In our zest to fill the temple treasure,
We won't allow the poor woman in,
For Christ two coins are sufficient,
But will it sink in?

Should we allow a seeker,
To enter in if only he pays,
Question for you to decide,
Christ has shown the way.

Et tu, Brute?, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Et tu, Brute?
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Et Tu, Brute? regretted Julius,
As the stabs brought Julius down,
It's always difficult to find them,
Till they have accomplished the clout.

When in place of authority,
It's difficult to distinguish for sure,
Traitor wear wail of deception,
Layers of deception cover the core.

Solomon's wisdom is needed,
Sometimes you have to command,
Cut the child in pieces,
And the truth emerges up fast.

Only God can grant you wisdom, and
You will distinguish truth from lies,
It will save you from all stabs
Yet pain will definitely make you cry.

R. A. Jacob.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Pearls, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

They won't ever understand you,
Neither should you ever try,
Some walls are very mighty,
Nor should you give it a try.

Can walls be broken,
By hitting our head,
I tell you even heart's
Shall start to bleed.

Some walls can't ever be broken,
I tell you if you can heed,
All wisdom fails to make it,
If they do not heed.

Pearl has value for humans,
For animals, they are just stones,
Pearls should not be scattered,
Pearls should not be thrown.

Keep your knowledge with you,
Who has asked for your advice?
If it bubbles up in you,
Then just on a page, you write.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Who has been able to write on sand , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Who has been able to write on sand, 
Oh my heart just understand, 
Even if some names abide, 
Where are those people if you can find

Sand is a perfect example of life, 
No trace can ever abide, 
Write or do not write, 
Life can't ever abide. 

Enjoy the life of anonymous, 
Find joy in the eye of the poor, 
Share some peanut with them, 
They will honour and definitely care

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Let status quo be maintained

Let status quo be maintained, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Let status quo be maintained,
What did Marie Antoinette gain,
Put not your hands in fire,
For it will definitely cause pain.

Let status quo be maintained,
What did the Czar get out of first world war,
If you know it led to the revolution,
It led to the end of his domain.

Let status quo be maintained,
Put not your hands in fire,
Fire has power to devour,
I tell you it's always claims.

Let status quo be maintained,
I tell you in words so plain,
It's more an advice to me,
A lot of wisdom to gain.

Note:- very radical decisions always lead to clashes, so we should always be careful in implementing them. For it can lead to outright rejection.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Our nation

Our nation is a fabric,
Like the coat that Joseph wore,
A multicoloured coat so beautiful,
We should treasure it all the more.

Let no one divide my nation,
It's a Bouquet of multicoloured flowers,
Languages add to it's riches,
Religions add to its power.

A hot pot of cultures,
Smelting pot of unity I find,
Caste and creeds are varied,
Though varied yet unity abides.

Stain not the coat of Joseph,
Stain not the coat with blood,
Jacob will have to lament for an age,
Stain not the fabric of love.

Note:- In the Bible we find a man called Joseph. He had a beautiful coat given to him by his father Jacob. Joseph had 11 brothers' all of them hated him so they sold Joseph as a slave. Dipped the multi colour coat of Joseph in blood of an animal and told their father that their brother must have died. Jacob lamented about it till his old age.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Did Socrates die

Did Socrates die, I tell you, no,
Mortal, became immortal, you see
Death kills the coward,
Breath is no sign of life, you see.

Count not your life in-breath you breathe,
Count the principles, on which you stand,
Learn to speak up for the truth,
If you are quiet who would stand.

You have no divine origin,
Socrates proclaimed the truth,
King got so ferocious,
Socrates' life he took.

Yet the king is forgotten,
Socrates still lives,
Truth lives forever,
Not the mean kings.

R. A. Jacob

Monday, October 7, 2019

There are hundreds and more

Spend some time with downtrodden,
Spend some time with the weak,
You will find satisfaction,
Satisfaction that everyone seeks,

Seek not for attention,
Give some time to the weak,
You'll find lots of attention,
Attention that everyone seeks.

Seek not for unachievable goals,
Seek for achievable task,
You will get a lot of love,
Much more than you asked.

Why think you are lonely,
I tell you, all are,
Brighten the eyes of the weary,
They'll look at you as a Star.

Sow and reap hundredfold,
Sow and reap hundredfold,
You alone are not lonely,
There are hundreds and more.

R.A. Jacob

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sheep's clothing

Some people wear sheep's clothing,
Inwardly they are wolves,
Smiles are just deception, 
Sheep is a covering of such wolf's.

Deception can only befool, the foolish,
You my dear, be wise,
The second, the mask, fall down,
Run to save your life.

Maintain distance from evil,
Never feed, a snake,
Snake knows only how to bite,
Run for God's sake.

What can you expect from a scorpion,
I think you surely know,
Never follow a haughty person,
You'll learn his ways you know.

Maintain distance, a warning sign,
I hope you have seen many a time,
If you follow that advice,
It will help you in Life.

R. A. Jacob

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rumis quote

Rumi's quote is on the corner  wall,
I Think someone will understand,
No one is there to pay head,
No one has time to understand.

Maybe Gandhi was right,
Be the change you want to be,
The world is always too busy,
Too busy to understand.

I think it's an age-old rebellion,
It's a part and parcel of life,
In youth, we call it a generation gap.
For us, it is a part and parcel of life.

Waiting for your noble comments you can write them on the blog link. Thanks

R. A. Jacob

Note:- Quote in question Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?”

Monday, September 9, 2019

If you fail to change your decision

If you fail to change your decision,
You have lost flexibility the art,
Supreme court can review its judgment,
Where have you lost that art?

Flexible is enshrined in Constitution,
They call it a living document,
Skeleton is always rigid,
Muscle and sinew shouldn't be hard.

Body hardens as life departs,
Sign of life is flexibility,
Decide, reconsider, play your part,
Hard means brittle, play your part.

R. A . Jacob

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

You are unique

"Nobody is indispensable"
I can't  say that for sure,
Ask your son or daughter,
Who love you for sure.

Kingship is changed,by kingship,
But with kingship changes the fate,
Kings who wait on the lord,
Have always prevailed over fate.

The strength of the army,
Is no guarantee for  success,
History has plenty of proof,
I can only advice, you chose.

Never underrate yourself,
You are made by his hands,
Do not underrate yourself,
You are unique you understand.

R. A. Jacob

Monday, August 5, 2019

Where was Christ in politics

Where was Christ in politics,
I found Him as a victim of the same,
"It is expedient that one man may die,
And not the entire race."

The mire of politics is dirty,
The mire of politics is deep,
Hold, the hand of the Saviour,
If you want to be saved.

Desire of power,
Desire of strength,
Is the root of corruption,
Every now and then.

An angel so beautiful,
Desired for greater power,
To set up his throne,
Above His creator, the Lord.

A battle took place in heaven,
Angel and his followers failed,
So he became the devil,
Lucifer is his true name.

Whom do you Follow,
It's for you to decide,
In the politics whatsoever, 
Christ you won't ever find.

Note:-  Line three and four talk about the prophecy done for Christ by the chief priest.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Neither should advise be given

Don't stand in front of the tank,
Or you will be crushed for sure,
Don't you remember Tiananmen square,
Have you forgotten it for sure.

How many lives were lost,
Democracy could not take roots,
Standing In front of a fool,
Is never the right place to choose.

Don't throw your pearls,
Didn't you hear Christ,
Don't advise a fool,
Or you'll meet demise.

Neither should advise be given,
Nor should wisdom be shared,
Fools won't ever take it,
Nor will they ever care.

R. A. Jacob

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Why seek for vision from blind

Should we stop,
For what, people will say,
He will say, she will say,
They will say, all will say

Aren't you living in chain's
To hell with all of them,
Why live in constructs,
Every now, and then.

They call words,
Even for God,
Why should you,
My soul, worry at all.

Put everything to test,
If you are sure you are right,
Than leave the world behind,
Why seek for vision from blind.


Why people belittle

Some people are really small

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Some people are really small, 
Smaller than their height,
You can distinguish them,
From their barking style.

Barking dog's seldom bite,
Yet they do fright,
Forget, all dogs that frighten,
Forgive, all dogs that fright.

In search of position,
In search of place,
People, degrade each other,
Seeking, for a higher place.

Yet in their strive,
They leave nothing behind,
Only wounds of frustrations,
Which none can bind.

R. A. Jacob January/ 6/2019

Let your words be few

Every word used by you,
Can be used as an evidence against you,
In the court of law,
So I tell you, let our words be few.

Let your words be few,
For the world is waiting,
To collect evidence from far and wide,
Let such evidences be light.

Every word can be twisted,
So let the words be few,
They are the evidence, so
Let them have just very few.

Why give them grooves,
For them to open,
Let you be a rivet every time,
That's hard to undo every time.


When they malign you

When they malign you

a poem by R.A. Jacob

When they malign you,
Remember, that author, Dan Brown,
What he wrote, for kings of king,
He didn't even fear, the crown.

In order, to gain, name for themselves,
People, can even, malign God,
Even the psalmist crieth,
In am surrounded by dogs

When they called the master beelzebub,
How much more, will they, call you,
Let not the storm dissuade you,
Be a servant that's true.

Let the world cook stories,
For it loves to cook, and serve,
It costs them nothing,
Except for the one who is cooked to be served.

Give dog, a bad name,
And then, just hang him,
When they try it with me,
I just look up to Him.

Keep calling, whatever you wish,
I am protected, in His arms,
Let the world raise alarm,
I am secure, in my savior's arms.

R. A. Jacob

Make hay when the sun shines

Should the Spring, come to the thirsty,
Or the thirsty come to the spring,
Can the well reach the thirsty,
Or the thirsty should reach the springs.

Well you know the answer,
I should not my talent employ,
The desire to drink is purely yours,
I don't have any choice.

Make hay when the sun shines,
Time has wings it fly's,
You need to do some efforts,
Before the time flies.

I can force the horse to reach the stream,
I can't force the horse to drink,
I can help you to achieve your goal,
If only my dear ye think.

R. A. Jacob

Class XI Geography Question Bank India

Class XI Geography Question Bank India Chapter 1. Answer the following questions .  Why has 82 30 mins east has been chosen as a standard me...