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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Let status quo be maintained

Let status quo be maintained, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Let status quo be maintained,
What did Marie Antoinette gain,
Put not your hands in fire,
For it will definitely cause pain.

Let status quo be maintained,
What did the Czar get out of first world war,
If you know it led to the revolution,
It led to the end of his domain.

Let status quo be maintained,
Put not your hands in fire,
Fire has power to devour,
I tell you it's always claims.

Let status quo be maintained,
I tell you in words so plain,
It's more an advice to me,
A lot of wisdom to gain.

Note:- very radical decisions always lead to clashes, so we should always be careful in implementing them. For it can lead to outright rejection.

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