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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

It's morning and I thank Him a poem by R.A. Jacob

 It's morning and I thank Him,

For a good night's sleep,

For His love, I thank Him,

For protecting his sheep.

Love me the way, you love me,

Let me always know you, love,

Your love is sufficient for me,

As your banner over me is love.

What more do I need to know,

Your love is sufficient every time,

Your love as radiance over me glows,

I live in your protection every time.

I live in perfect assurance,

Dangers perish at his sight,

Not because of my Goodness

Your nature is goodness and light.

Let dangers come and perish,

Your vanguard has never failed,

Fears also in him doth perish,

In Him my dear I prevail.

I rest in His will sublime,

My defence is strongest every time,

With Him all mountains I climb,

His protection is perfect every time.

Reginald Ajay Jacob

Note- The scriptures say, anyone who blesses his friend in the morning, it shall be counted a curse. Why because morning time belongs to God and we should thank Him and Him, alone the one who gives all good things.

Wow! I think I have told you this before, but I will repeat it anyway, your faith is a blessing and an inspiration to me!

Edwin Jepson Wonderful poem Reginold, God is love, verses full of praise, Eddie 

Nishu Mathur A beautiful prayer poem, Reginold. Very uplifting to read. Fond wishes

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