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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chapter 3 India Human Development Class12

*Chapter 3 (With Page Number)*

One mark questions 

1. Name the state of India with highest literary rate as 2011 census.Delhi 2016 (P-29)
2. Which state of India has its highest tank in human development index HDI value?All India 2014 (P-29)
3. Which state of India has the lowest females literacy rate? DELHI 2013 (Rajasthan according to the table given on P-27)
4. Define the term ‘poverty’ Delhi 2013 (P-26)
5. Which state of India has the lowest
literacy rate? Mention its literacy rate also.Delhi 2008 (P-28)
6. Name the 2 states of India which have less than 5% of the population below poverty line.DELHI 2009 (According to our latest edition, there is no state in India which has less than 5% of the population below poverty line. However Goa ranks best with least poverty of 5.09%) P-26
7. What is the rank of India in human development index among the countries of the world in 2005? DELHI 2008 (P-25)
   5 mark questions 
8. ‘Development is general and human development in particular is a complex concept used in social science’ justify the statement with suitable arguments Hots delhi 2015 (P-30)
9. Define the term ‘ human development ‘ . Why is it necessary? Explain any 4 reasons. DELHI 2011 (P-24)
10. What is human development? Explain with examples 2 major factor which have casual spatial variations in the levels of human development among the major states of India.Delhi 2010 (P-24 & 29)

You intervean in the movement of time

You intervene in the movement of time, 
I can see your presence loud and clear, 
So what if my eyes can't see you, 
Your presence to me is dear. 

World may fail to recognize you,
World may fail to see, 
I wish, I may never deny thee, 
May you be a friend to me. 

I pray thee, my Father, 
I pray thee, my Lord, 
I pray thee, my Saviour, 
I pray thee, my all in all. 

Look at me as a sinner, 
Look at me as a malefactor, 
Promise me thy salvation, 
As you promised on the cross. 

A poem by R. A. Jacob. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

World population distribution density & growth ch-2



 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth

1. Name the country which has the highest growth rate of population?1 Pg. 8

2. What was the population of the world at the beginning of the 21st century? Pg. 8 

3. Name the third most densely populated country of the world. 1 Pg. 8

4. What is the real wealth of the country?Pg-8

5. Name the country with 

  • highest population
  • second highest population

6. Explain the four geographical factors that influence population growth distribution?Pg-9

8. What are the three components of population change? Pg-9 3

9. What do you understand  by the term Growth of Population and how is it different from Natural growth of Population

10. Explain the three economic factors that influence Population. Pg-

12. What is actual growth rate of population? Pg-11

13. Define Crude birth rate. Pg-11

15. Explain the theory given by Malthus. What are the two types of checks as per Malthus? Explain which is better why?Pg-15

16. What do you understand by DEMOGRAPHIC CYCLE? Pg-15

17. Discuss the three stages of transformation of an agrarian economy into urban  industrial one?Give one country as a  representative sample as per your book?PG-15

18. Explain about the demographic transaction theory.CH-2 3x1=3 

19. What do you understand by family planning? Explain steps taken to prevent population growth/


2. Define the term population distribution. 2015 pg-8

3. Give the meaning of crude birth rate.  2013 pg-11

4. Define population growth.2012 pg-10

5. Define the term positive growth of population. 2011 pg-10

6. Explain any  push and any pull factors that influence the migrations of the population in the world.  2016 pg-12

7.How is the mortality rate of a region affected? explain  push factors responsible for migration. 2015 pg-12

8. Describe any 3 factors in the first stage of demographic transition theory.   2014 pg-14

9. Describe 3 characteristics of the last stage of demographic transition theory.  2014 pg-14

10. Explain with examples any 3 geographical factors which influence the distribution of population in the world.   2008 pg-9

11."90% of the world population lives in about 10% of its total land areas, whereas the remaining 10% population resides in the 90% of its land area." support the statement with example.    2017 pg-8

12. What is the meaning of density of population? Examine the 4 geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world with examples.  2017 pg-9 

13. What is a demographic cycle? Describe 3 stages of demographic transition theory?   2016 pg-14

14. When does positive population growth takes place? Explain the geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world.   2015 pg-10

16. Explain 3 economic and 2 social and cultural factors influencing the distribution of the population in the world.  2015 pg-10

17. Explain 3 components of population change in the world. Analyse the impacts of population change. 2014 pg-11

Saturday, March 23, 2024

When tension Hits me hard, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

When tension Hits me hard

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

When tension hits me hard,
I cling to the cross,
Till the tempest rages,
I do not leave the cross.

Come tempest come,
You will have to fail,
I with my Jesus,
Can never fail.

Did the disciples sink,
Did the sea prevail,
No, it failed,
Yes, it failed.

Nor did it win then,
Nor will it win now,
Shepard for sure,
No wolf shall allow.

Note:- This poem is written on the 27th of January 2018. This poem talks about my faith in God.
Once the disciples were on a boat and Jesus was also with them a storm approached as Jesus was asleep the disciples got afraid and woke up Jesus and he silenced the Storm.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Making of the global world

Making of the global world 

1.What is globalisation? 

2.All through history human society has become more and more interlinked. Discuss

Ans. pg 53

3.Silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world. Discuss 

Ans. pg 54

4.Food offered many examples of long distance cultural exchange. Discuss

Ans. Pg 54 

5.What is El Dorado? 

Ans. Pg 55

6.Discuss about the Portuguese and Spanish conquest. 

Ans. Pg 55

Sunday, July 30, 2023



You don't have love for them, 
You only have love for their land, 
You are so bloodthirsty, 
Killing the inhabitants of the land. 

Land is your utmost desire, 
Land is the sign of your greed, 
Land that you wish to capture,
Land is your ultimate greed. 

You want to throw them out of the hills, 
You want to grab their land,
You have burnt their houses, 
You are the culprits you understand. 

Land was conquered by the kings, 
Land they didst control, 
Today where are the kings, 
Where are the mighty ones that strolled. 

Land covers its inhabitants, by and by, 
Land wins the final race. 
Land is the ultimate winner, 
Humans are left just as a trace. 

Nobody can hold the land forever, 
Kings came and went away, 
On one can stay forever, 
Futile are all such efforts I say. 


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Federalism :- Chapter 2

Q1 ) What is federalism? 

Q2 ) What are the key features of federalism? Pg15

Q3) The exact balance of power between the centre and the state government varies from one federation to another . Discuss.


Distinguish between coming together and holding together federation.

Q4) What makes India a federal country? Discuss.(5 marker ) 

Q5) What are the 3 lists in which the power of the central and the state government are divided? Pg16

Q6) What do you understand about the residuary subject ? Pg 17

Q7) How is federalism practised in India ? Pg19

Q8) The creation of ______ was the first major test for the democratic politics in the country. Ans ( Linguistic states)

Q9) Besides in the ____  other languages are recognised as scheduled languages . Ans (21)

Q10) How did the coalition government strengthen the role of regional parties ?

Q11) What do you understand about local self government? Pg 24

Q12) what do you understand about decentralisation? Pg 24

Q13)What were the major steps taken for decentralisation in 1992?

Pg 24 ( 5 marker )

Q14) What do you understand about panchayati raj ? Who is the head of the panchayati raj? 

Q15) What are the 3 levels of local self government? Pg 25

Q16) Who is a mayor ?

Sunday, July 16, 2023





  • What are the legal provisions of conservation of forest and wildlife act 1972? PAGE 14.
  • Name the various species that have been given legal and partial protection by the government of India. PAGE 14.
  • What are the 3 different types of forest in accordance to the forest department? Name the states where they exist. PAGE 15
  • How have communities helped in conservation give three points in favour of your answer? PAGE 16
  • Explain the following in brief 
  • Chipko movement
  • Beej Bachao Andolan and
  • Navdanya." PAGE 16        
  • Explain the importance of JMF. How does it help in the protection of the forest? PAGE16

Thursday, June 1, 2023

With whom should I share my sorrow? a poem by R.A. Jacob

With whom should I share my sorrow?
They will hit me hard, 
If I bury it in my heart,
It will turn into a graveyard.

From heart to graveyard,

I am witnessing the change,

The world has fallen apart.

Once I too had a heart.

Dwellers of the unmarked grave

Why do seek love,
Love is long dead in that grave,
You remember that unmarked grave,
Grave where your parents lie,

One day you will be with them,

However hard you may try,

Oh, dwellers of the unmarked grave,

My life is almost gone.

You may be resting in your grave,

I am almost gone,

Only a grave is missing,

The rest is all just gone.

Friday, May 26, 2023

The fruit that Adam ate

What was that fruit the one you ate

In strict disobedience you see, 

It made us love resources 

Humans we cannot see. 

What wisdom is this everyone is storing, 

Storing much more than we need, 

Storing for our future descendants, 

Yet the future is never ever seen. 

Surely, the fruit killed us, 

Surely we all didst die, 

Eating the fruit of knowledge, 

Our love for our brother died. 

Metal has taken place of love, 

Metal has started it's rule, 

Metal that are in scarcity, 

Metal that often rules. 

How wise we have turned to be, 

We don't value flesh and bones, 

We value dead metal, 

Metals that have turned us into stones. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mighty hands

How much hatred can you carry, 
Is it fit for human beings, 
When human favour ceases,
I plead to the Eternal one to intervene. 

When I see it's beyond human resources, 
When I see injustice is at its peak, 
When human wisdom fails to be, 
I interceed the eternal one to intervene

Blood always cries for justice, 
It cries up to the Lord of heaven and earth, 
Blood will seek for justice, 
And I tell you it's cries will be heard. 

God is not blind, nor is his staff weak, 
Justice will always prevail, 
When I fail to understand,
I leave it in his mighty hands. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Mapwork Geography Class XII Syllabus 2023-24

 Chapter No. and Name Map Items

1-Human Geography                                                                                                Nil

2-The World Population Density Distribution and Growth                                    Nil

3-Human Development                                                                                            Nil

4-Primary Activities

Areas of subsistence gathering (Fig 4.2)

 Major areas of nomadic herding of the world (4.4)

 Major areas of commercial livestock rearing (4.6)

 Major areas of extensive commercial grain faming (4.12)

 Major areas of mixed farming of the World (4.14)

5-Secondary Activities                                                                                        Nil

6-Tertiary and Quaternary Activities                                                                    Nil

7-Transport, Communication and Trade

Terminal Stations of Transcontinental Railways– Trans-Siberian, Trans Canadian, Trans-Australian Railways

Major Sea Ports

 Europe: North Cape, London, Hamburg

 North America: Vancouver, San Francisco, New Orleans

 South America: Rio De Janeiro, Colon, Valparaiso

 Africa: Suez and Cape Town

 Asia: Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Aden, Karachi, Kolkata

 Australia: Perth, Sydney, Melbourne

Major Airports:

 Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, Mumbai, Jeddah, Aden

 Africa: Johannesburg & Nairobi

 Europe: Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin and Rome

 North America: Chicago, New Orleans, Mexico City

 South America: Buenos Aires, Santiago

 Australia: Darwin and Wellington

Inland Waterways

Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Rhine waterways and St. Lawrence Seaways

8-International Trade                                                                            Nil

Map Items for locating and labelling on political outline map of India

India - People and Economy Chapter No. and Name Map Items

1-Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition

State with highest population density & state with lowest population density (2011)

2-Human Settlement                                                                            Nil

3-Land Resources and Agriculture

Leading producing states of the following crops: (a) Rice (b) Wheat (c) Cotton (d) Jute (e) Sugarcane (f) Tea and (g) Coffee

4-Water Resources                                                                                Nil

5-Mineral And Energy Resources


 Iron-ore mines: Mayurbhanj, Bailadila, Ratnagiri, Bellary

 Manganese mines: Balaghat, Shimoga

 Copper mines: Hazaribagh, Singhbhum, Khetari

 Bauxite mines: Katni, Bilaspur and Koraput

 Coal mines: Jharia, Bokaro, Raniganj, Neyveli

 Oil Refineries: Mathura, Jamnager, Barauni






Name of the Chapter

List of areas to be pointed on the Map




Nationalism in India

I.    Congress sessions:

·         1920 Calcutta

·         1920 Nagpur.

·         1927 Madras session,


II.    3 Satyagraha movements:

·         Kheda

·         Champaran.

·         Ahmedabad mill workers

III.   Jallianwala Bagh

IV.   Dandi March

















Resources and Development

Identify: Major Soil Types

Water Resources

Locating and Labelling:

·         Salal

·         Bhakra Nangal

·         Tehri

·         Rana Pratap Sagar

·         Sardar Sarovar

·         Hirakud

·         Nagarjuna Sagar

·         Tungabhadra



·         Major areas of Rice and Wheat



·         Largest/ Major producer states of Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cotton and Jute

Minerals and Energy Resources


a. Iron Ore mines


·   Mayurbhanj

·   Durg

·   Bailadila

·   Bellary

·   Kudremukh


b. Coal Mines

·   Raniganj

·   Bokaro

·   Talcher

·   Neyveli


c. Oil Fields

·   Digboi

·   Naharkatia

·   Mumbai High

·   Bassien

·   Kalol

·   Ankaleshwar


Locate & label: Power Plants


a. Thermal

·   Namrup

·   Singrauli

·   Ramagundam



b. Nuclear

·   Narora

·   Kakrapara

·   Tarapur

·   Kalpakkam

Manufacturing Industries

I. Manufacturing Industries (Locating and Labelling only)


·         Cotton Textile Industries: a. Mumbai b. Indore c. Surat d. Kanpur e. Coimbatore

·         Iron and Steel Plants: a. Durgapur b. Bokaro c. Jamshedpur d. Bhilai e. Vijayanagar f. Salem


       Software Technology Parks: a. Noida b. Gandhinagar c. Mumbai d. Pune e. Hyderabad, f. Bengaluru g. Chennai. h. Thiruvananthapuram


Lifelines of National Economy

Locating and Labelling:

a. Major sea ports

·         Kandla

·         Mumbai

·         Marmagao

·         New Mangalore

·         Kochi

·         Tuticorin

·         Chennai

·         Vishakhapatnam

·         Paradip

·         Haldia




b. International Airports:

·         Amritsar (Raja Sansi - Sri Guru Ram Dass jee)

·         Delhi (Indira Gandhi)

·         Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji)

·         Chennai (Meenam Bakkam)

·         Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose)

·         Hyderabad (Rajiv Gandhi)

Class XI Geography Question Bank India

Class XI Geography Question Bank India Chapter 1. Answer the following questions .  Why has 82 30 mins east has been chosen as a standard me...