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Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 1997

They cried to Him

They cried to Him

a poem by R.A. Jacob

They cried to Him,
And He heard their cry,
I cry to Thee,
As I tread through trial.

I have conceded to give up,
As the waters have risen high,
Where I have failed on my own,
Help, my Lord, I cry.

Let the tempest rise,
Let it touch the sky,
Even then, I need not fear,
For I know that the Lord is near.

Drowning Peter, never drowned,
You gave him your hand to hold,
Oh Lord, my Lord, just command,
And,I shall be too bold.

Bold to face the tempest,
As the crest doth rises high,
As the tempest my courage,
In it's fullness doth try.

Friday, January 24, 1997



Ye have heard my cry,
I am satisfied,
Pain has lost its hold,
The warmth of your presence,
Has robbed the chill of the cold.

Note:- When we pray to God with all our heart, we can feel His presence in our hearts. When I wrote this poem I felt his peace which passes all understanding.

This poem was written by me when I was at Hansraj Model School Punjabi Bagh. ( 29th January 1997)

Tuesday, April 26, 1994

Stones shall proclaim your glory, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Stones shall proclaim your glory

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Stones shall proclaim your glory,
If now I withhold my tongue,
I can't hide thy mercy,
I can't hide thy love,

You cared for thy sheep in the desert,
You cared for the flock even now,
Nothing can touch thy people,
Until my lord ye allow.

You saved me from the crushing power of steel,
You saved me from losing my hand,
In front of thy mercy seat my lord,
In humble adoration, I stand.

Ten lepers, ye cleansed,
Only one came and thanked,
You saved me a hundred times,
Just once I have thanked.

Note- Written on 26 April 1994. When God saved me and my hand from a dangerous accident.
1. Stones shall proclaim my glory if these people remain quiet. Christ Jesus spoke these words at the time He entered Jerusalem.
2. Talks about God's protection for Jews as they moved through the desert.
3. Crushing power of steel refers to my accident in which my hand got crushed.
4. Seat refers to the approachability of God.
Jesus Christ healed ten lepers only one came and thanked him

Saturday, August 1, 1992

I have put my feet, on the plough , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I have put my feet, on the plough,
Just help me lest I turn away,
I have placed my feet in thy path, and
I fear lest Satan may try to sway.

Ye helped me to take the first step and
I need thee all the way
Though the path be rough or smooth
I want thy hand to stay

With thee, my lord doth peace abound
Ye supplier of all my needs
Let me know forever that though art near
My lord for a favour I plead


Once again this child is forced

 Once again this child is forced, To live in the world of paper and page, I console this child for that’s the only place, Which I can provid...