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Thursday, April 10, 1997

They cried to Him

They cried to Him

a poem by R.A. Jacob

They cried to Him,
And He heard their cry,
I cry to Thee,
As I tread through trial.

I have conceded to give up,
As the waters have risen high,
Where I have failed on my own,
Help, my Lord, I cry.

Let the tempest rise,
Let it touch the sky,
Even then, I need not fear,
For I know that the Lord is near.

Drowning Peter, never drowned,
You gave him your hand to hold,
Oh Lord, my Lord, just command,
And,I shall be too bold.

Bold to face the tempest,
As the crest doth rises high,
As the tempest my courage,
In it's fullness doth try.

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