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Monday, February 1, 2021


 I raise my prayers to thee, 

For I know you always hear, 

When my heart is overwhelmed, 

I need you to hear. 

Father of all the living, 

Those who sleep in thee never die, 

The hope of all the living, 

To thee, I lift up my eyes. 

Father in thee I feel secure, 

No other fortress do I need, 

My defence, my fortress, 

My all in all, just thee my Lord I need. 

Seas have lifted up their voice, 

Yet I need not fear, 

He is always in command, 

His love for me is dear. 

In your hands, I leave my country, 

In your hand I leave my world, 

In your hands, I leave my life, 

For I know my prayers will be heard. 

Westly Shaw Five stars! I have to admit I went looking for one of your uplifting poems and prays and found it, thank you!

Edwin Jepson A very heart-warming poem Reginold, Stay Safe, Eddie ,

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