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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Fire should not burn the world, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

The fire should not burn the world, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Keep your mouth shut,
Shut up, if I clearly say,
Who has ever heard your rant,
That you have something to say.

Has the rant of poor every been heard,
Have they got a voice,
Tell me, my dear,
If you have any choice.

Speak out if you wish, and
To the World, it will be noise,
Your voice will always be drowned,
Your voice will be labelled as noise.

Many voices of wisdom,
Have been silenced for sure,
If the voice is to clear,
It will be silenced for sure.

Some voice should be expressed only, on the page,
The fire should not burn the world,
The page will open on the opportune time
When they have to be heard.

Note: look at this poem from the following perspective.

  • Voice of the poor
  • Voice of minorities
  • Voice of the voter after the election
  • Voice of the journalists that are often killed

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Very nice poem

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