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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Not only must Justice be done, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Not only must Justice be done
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

“Not only must Justice be done;
It must also be seen to be done."
For if you fail in proving it,
I tell you are undone.

Every man proclaimeth his goodness,
Everyone is pure in his eyes,
Look from the side of others,
They will show all lies.

What's truth if it's covered,
People usually cover lies,
Lack of transparency,
That means the truth has died.

The loudness of Voice,
Hides many a lies,
Try not to deceive me,
My heart just cries.

If you were truthful,
Why did you hide,
You may say it's just clear,
I’ll say it's all just lies.


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