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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Advice for my son, a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

Advice for my son
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Do not hear every word,
Some words are meant to break,
Let them not ever break you,!.
Do not put yourself at stake.

What comes to your desk,
Usually, you can't change,
Change my dear change,
Change the response you make.

Do not take every word to heart,
The heart is only for your own,
Let not strangers touch it,
It's something you own.

Why carry burdens,
That is created by force,
Refuse all such words,
That has pressure and force.

Who can change the colour of his hair,
Who can increase his height,
Why bother for the thing's beyond you,
Meditate on things that are wise.

Reginold Ajay jacob@26 July 2018

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