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Monday, July 6, 2020

Hold the hands of the clock ( Janet Jacob ), a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Hold the hands of the clock ( Janet Jacob )
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Hold the hands of the clock,
Let it click no more,
Or else add years to her life,
Two or three months are too short a life.

Every day a page is stuck off,
This notebook has ninety pages,
Who knows if all those pages will be stuck off?
Or others are added in grace.

Well remember you,
When you are no more,
In pain, I write these lines,
In lord, this pain I confine.

You stood as an inspiration,
Even now, you are the same,
Where would I look for directions?
When death doth rob my dame?

Die not as millions die,
Die as majestic king,
Let not fear ever touch thee,
Die with grace fly with wings.

[This poem was written when the doctors had told about the magnitude of the disease & expected her to live just three months. The last paragraph was added when I saw all hope's for survival were over.]


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