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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ends do not justify the means, a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

Ends, and means

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Ends, do not justify, the means,
I tell you, it's a million-dollar fact,
Ends may make you rich,
Yet means, your faith, may check.

If you steal, a pitcher,
From your neighbours' field,
You will become a thief,
Can this fact, be ever concealed.

You may think, nobody knows,
You may feel, all will forget,
Yet the fact, remains, a fact,
Though, the world may forget.

The Kingdom of heaven,
Is based on facts, called, means,
Ends may hamper you a lot,
If you have used, wrong means.

Satan promised glory of the world,
To the one who made this world,
If only, you bow down, to me,
Such offers on the Savior were hurled.

Did Christ give up
No, never, not,
Nor should you give up,
He judges our every word.

The bitter truth comes concealed,
Hidden, in chocolate so sweet,
Many a time we fail Him,
For facts are deeply concealed.

In the world, today ends justify the means, but according to the Bible, it means, that will become the basis of Kingdom of God

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