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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Class X Ch – 5 Mineral and Energy Resources

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Ch – 5 Mineral and Energy Resources 

  • What is a mineral according to geologists? Name the hardest and the softest mineral. P-50

  • Explain the importance of minerals for all living beings. P-50

  • What are the five different ways in which minerals occur? P-51

  • What is an ore? P-51

  • Explain the classification of minerals. P-51

  • Which minerals are found as placer deposits and why? P-52

  • What are the factors that affect mining? P-52

  • Look at the figure and answer the following:- 

  • Which state has the largest production of iron ore? Name any mine of this state.

  • Why iron ore is considered the backbone of industrial development? Give one point of similarity and one point of difference between hematite and magnetite ore. P-52

  • Look at the map and answer the following:-

  • Name the four major iron ore belts of India. P-53

  • What are the uses of manganese? Name the state which is the largest producer of manganese. P-53

  • Explain the three characters of copper? Also give its three uses. Name three mines from which copper is extracted? P-55

  • Name the ore of aluminium. Give its four characters. Name the region where bauxite is mined. P- 55

  • Explain about the characters of mica. What makes it indispensable in the electronic industry? P-55

  • Name the two major states producing Mica. Also mention one site where it is present. P-55

  • Name the rock associated with limestone? What are the industries that use limestone as their basic raw material? P-56

  • Explain the importance of conservation of resources? P-57

  • How can minerals be conserved? P-57

  • Why do we need Energy? What are the sources from which energy can be attained? Name some conventional and non conventional sources of energy? P-58

  • Name a coal mine in Tamilnadu used for taking out lignite? Name two series of rocks which contain coal? Which series has got better quality of coal? P-58

  • Why are thermal power plant and heavy industries located near the coal fields? P-60

  • Why are petroleum industries considered as nodal industries? Name the various uses of petroleum. P-60

  • Explain about the occurrence of oil. Or where does the oil occur in India and why? P-60

  • Explain about the production of oil in India? P-60

  • Look at the map and answer the following:-

  • Name the pipe line shown in the figure. Explain its importance in countries development.

  • Why natural gas is considered the fuel of the present generation/century? P-60

  • Explain the importance of H.B.J. P-60

  • What are the three uses of natural gas P-60

  • What are the three sources used for generation of thermal electricity? P-60

  • What are the two ways through which electricity can  generated? P-60

  • Explain how natural gas / coal are used as a source of energy and raw material. 

  • Name the three sources from which the nuclear energy can be produced in India? P-62

  • Name the largest solar plant of India? What is the purpose that it serves? P-62

  • What are the advantages of non conventional sources of energy? P-62

  • What are the problems confronting use of fossil fuels? P-62

  • What are the twin advantages of biogas? P-62

  • Why is the use of fire wood and cattle dung being discouraged in the rural area? P-62 Look at the map and answer the following:-

  • Look at the picture  and answer the following:-

What type of energy is being produced in the picture? Explain its importance?

  • Look at the map and answer the following:-

What type of energy is being produced in the picture? Explain its importance?

  • Mention the two experimental plants used for producing geothermal energy? P-63

  • What are the twin planks of sustainable energy development? P-63

  • How is tidal energy produced? Where is tidal energy plant located in India? P-63

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