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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I will remain silent

I will remain silent,
For who will hear if I speak,
Silence is the only option,
For who is there to heed. 

Crucify him is the only voice,
You will hear, 
No rebuttal you will ever find, 
Lamb is silent every time. 

If Jesus was human 
He too would have cried, 
EU to Judas 
Just as Ceasers cried. 

Cry of the oppressed, 
On earth won't ever be heard, 
Yet the creator of earth won't be silent, 
Every cry shall be heard. 

If your voice has been silenced, don't bother, 
If you feel suffocated, don't care, 
Abel's blood will cry for justice, 
Justice for sure shall be done. 

Note:- In the Bible, Genesis 4:10 says, “Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground”. God says this in response to Cain's evasion after murdering his brother Abel. The Hebrew word ze aqah is translated as "cries out" in this verse. It is used throughout the Old Testament to describe the cry, complaint, or appeal of victims of injustice. The story of Cain and Abel reminds us that:
  • Plaintiffs and defendants live before the face of God
  • God heard Abel's cry for justice. 
R. A. Jacob.

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