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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Agriculture- 4 X Class


  1. How can we say that India is an agricultural country? P-30

  2. What are the factors that influence the methods of cultivation? P-30

  3. Explain primitive subsistence agriculture/slash and burn agriculture P-30

  4. Explain the characters of:- P-31

  • Intensive subsistence farming P-31
    Commercial farming P-31
  • Plantation farming P-31
  1. What are the three cropping seasons in India? Explain each in detail with examples? P-32

  2. Name the three varieties of rice grown in Assam, West Bengal, grown within one agricultural year. P-32

  3. Describe the four main characteristics of rice cultivation in India? P-32


  • Which crop is shown in the above map? 

  • Why is this crop concentrated in the northeastern part of the country?

  1. How can Punjab and Haryana grow rice in areas of less irrigation? P-34

  2. Name the two important wheat-growing zones. P-34

  3. Explain the climatic conditions for the growth of wheat. P-34

  4. Name the three important millets grown in India? Also, name a major state associated with each along with specific soil requirements. P-34

  5. Explain the climatic conditions for the growth of Maize P-34

  6. ------------------are the major source of protein in the vegetarian diet.


  • Which crop is shown in the above map?

  • Why is this crop concentrated in the northwestern part of the country? 

  1. What are the geographical requirements associated with the growth of sugarcane? P-36

  2. What are the four products obtained from sugarcane? P-36

  3. Name the three varieties of coffee grown in India. Where was it initially grown? P-37

  4. What are the four essential fibre crops of India? P-38

  5. Explain sericulture/How silk is produced. P-38

  6. Pie chart-based questions-P-38

  • Which sector is the major consumer of natural rubber?

  • Give reasons for the same.

  1. Explain about the comprehensive land development programmes. P-39

Class X - Geography Agriculture Extra Question and Answers Q 1. Which millet is rich in iron, calcium, other micro-nutrients and roughage? Ans. Ragi Q 2. Which state of India is the leading producer of jute? Ans. West Bengal is the largest producer of jute in India. Q 3. Which position does India rank in terms of rice production in the world? Ans. India is the second-largest producer of rice in the world. Q 4. What percentage of the world’s coffee production does India produce? Ans. 3.2% Q 5. Which two areas of India produce orange mainly? Ans. Nagpur(Maharashtra) and Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya). Q 6. Which crop is used both as food and fodder? Ans. Maize is a crop which is used both as food and fodder. Q 7. Name the only pulse which doesnot fix the Atmospheric nitrogen in the soil . Ans. Arhar (Tur) Q 8. Which country produces 13 percent of the world’s vegetables? Ans. India produces about 13 percent of the world’s vegetables after China. Q 9. Which is the leading coffee producer state in India? Ans. Karnataka is the leading coffee producer state in India. Q 10. What is the rank of India among the natural rubber-producing countries of the world? Ans. India ranks fourth among the world’s natural rubber production. Q 11. Which crop is a commercial crop in one state while subsistence crop in another state? Ans. Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab, but a subsistence crop in Odisha. Q 12. Which type of soil is ideal for growing cotton? Ans. Black soil is ideal for growing cotton. Q 13. Name the variety of coffee brought by Yemen in India ? Ans. Arabica Q 14. Jhumming cultivation is also known as shifting cultivation in Bastar district of Chattisgarh. Q 15. Which is the third major food crop consumed in India? Ans. Jowar. Q 16. Which state is known as the harbinger of ‘Green Revolution in India? Ans. Punjab is known as the harbinger of the ‘Green Revolution in India. Q 17. Who initiated Bhoodan-Gramdan Movement? Ans. Vinoba Bhave initiated Bhoodan-Gramdan Movement. Q 18. Write the full form of ICAR. Ans. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Q 19. Which is the leading sugarcane producer state of India? Ans. Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer of sugarcane in India. Q 20. What term is used for grouping small landholdings with bigger ones? Ans. The term used for grouping small landholdings with bigger ones is a consolidation of landholdings. Q 21. What is White Revolution related to? Ans. White Revolution is related to the production of milk. It is also called Operation Flood. Q 22. By what other name is ‘slash and burn’ agriculture known? Ans. ‘Slash and burn’ agriculture is also known as jhumming. Q 23. Which agricultural product, India is the largest producer as well as consumer in the world? Ans. India is the largest producer as well as consumer of pulses in the world. Q 24. Name the state which is the largest producer of ragi. Ans. Karnataka is the largest producer of ragi. Q 25. Mention the sowing period of kharif crops. Ans. Kharif crops are sown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of the country. Q 26. Mention the sowing period of rabi crops. Ans. Rabi crops are sown in winter from October to December. Q 27. Which is the main food crop grown in the north and northwestern parts of India. Ans. Wheat is the main food crop grown in the north and northwestern parts of India. Q 28. Who started the Blood Less Revolution and what is it ? Ans. Blood Less revolution is the redistribution of the land by the big landowners to the landless farmers. The revolution was started by Vinobha Bhave (The Spiritual heir of Mahatma Gandhi). Q 29. Define Sericulture. Ans. Sericulture is the rearing of silkworms for the production of silk fibre. Q 30. Which seeds are grown as both Kharif & Rabi crops? Ans. Castor and sesamum Q 31. Distinguish between rabi and kharif cropping seasons of India with regard to sowing. Ans. Rabi Cropping Season: (1) Rabi crops are sown from October to December. (2) They are harvested in summer from April to June. (3) Important Rabi crops are wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard. (4) These crops are grown in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J & K, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. (5) Availability of precipitation during winter months due to western temperate cyclones helps in the success of these crops. Kharif Cropping Season: (1) Kharif crops are grown with the onset of monsoon. Different places experience the onset of monsoon at different times in the months of May to July . (2) These crops are harvested in September – October. (3) Important kharif crops are: paddy, maize, Jowar, Bajra, etc. (4)These crops are grown mainly in Assam, West Bengal, Odissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar, Telangana, Maharashtra, (Particularly the Konkan Coast) . (5) These crops are irrigated mainly through monsoon rains. Q 32. Explain `Zaid’ cropping season of India with examples. Ans. (1) Zaid Season: In between the rabi and the kharif seasons, there is a short season during the summer months known as the Zaid Season. (2) They require dry weather for major growth period and longer day length for flowering. (3) In the Indian sub-continent, the crops are grown on irrigated lands which do not wait for monsoon. (4) Some of the crops produced during `Zaid’ are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. (5) Sugarcane takes almost a year to grow. Q 33. Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of sugarcane and tea, Mention two important states of each. Sugarcane:- (i) It is a tropical as well as sub-tropical crop. (ii) It requires hot and humid climate with a temperature of 21°C to 27°C. (iii) It requires an annual rainfall between 75 to 100 cm. (iv) It can be grown on a variety of soil. Major sugarcane producing states are : Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra , Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana etc. Tea :- (i) It is a tropical as well as sub-tropical crop and requires deep and well drained soil rich in humus and organic matter. (ii) Tea bushes require warm and moist frost free climate all through the year . (iii) Frequent showers are required all over the year to ensure the continuous growth of tender leaves. (iv) Tea is a labour intensive industry and requires abundant cheap and skilled labour . Major tea producing states are : Assam, West Bengal(hills of Darjelling and Jalpaiguri districts), Tamil Nadu, Kerala. Besides these, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Mehghalaya, Andhra Pradesh and Tripura are also tea Producing states in India. Q 34. What are millets? Give brief description of the climatic conditions and producing states of the millets grown in India. Ans. (1) The three food grains also used as fodder and are also called as millets. The three food grains are Jowar, Bajra and Ragi. These are also known as the coarse grains but there is presence of high nutritional value and act as a roughage. (2) Jowar is a kharif crop mostly grown in the moist areas without much need of irrigation. Jowar is mainly grown in Maharashtra , Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh . (3) Bajra grows well on sandy soils and shallow black soil. Bajra is grown mainly in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh , Maharashtra , Gujarat and Haryana . (4) In the drier western India mainly ragi is grown as it is a crop of dry regions and grows well on red, black, sandy, loamy and shallow black soils. Ragi is grown mainly in Karnataka , Tamil Nadu , Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim , Jharkhand and Arunachal Pradesh . Q 35. Why subsistence agriculture is still practiced in certain parts of the country? Give four reasons. Ans. Subsistence agriculture is still practiced in certain parts of the country for the following reasons: (1) The farmers are poor and the size of the land holdings is very small for surplus production . (2) Farmers are poor and don’t have fertilizers and High Yielding Variety of seeds. (3) Storage facilities are inadequate. (4) Agriculture mainly depends on monsoon rains. Largely fields are unirrigated. (5) Means of transport are inadequate. (6) Facilities like electricity and irrigation are generally not available to them. (7) Most of the food production is for their own consumption. Q 36. Explain any two geographical conditions required for the cultivation of pulses. Name any two important pulses producing states. Ans. (1) Geographical conditions required for the cultivation of pulses: (i) Pulses need less moisture and survive even in dry conditions. (ii) Temperature is required from 25°C to 30°C. (iii) Pulses grow well in the areas of 50-75 cm rainfall. (iv) These can be grown on all types of soil but dry light soil is the best suited. (v) Pulses are leguminous crops which help in restoring soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the air. Thus, pulses are mostly grown in rotation with other crops. (2) Major pulses producing states are: Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Q 37. Which crop is known as the ‘golden fibre’? Explain two geographical conditions essential for the cultivation of this crop. Mention uses of the golden fibre. Ans. Jute is called golden fibre. (1) Geographical conditions for its cultivation are as follows: (a) Jute grows well in well-drained fertile soils of the floodplains where the soil is renewed every year by the sediments brought by the river. (b) High temperature is required during the time of growth. Therefore, it is grown in West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Desha and Meghalaya. Uses:- It can be used to manufacture gunny bags, mats, ropes, yarn, carpets and other artefacts. Q 38. Name any four oil seeds produced in India. Explain the importance of oil seeds in our day to- day life. Ans. (1) (a) Groundnut. (b) Mustard. (c) Coconut. (d) Sesamum(til). (e) Soyabean. (f) Sunflower. (2) Importance of oil seeds: (i) Most of these are edible in the form of oil and are used for cooking foods. (ii) These are also used as raw materials for manufacturing paints, varnishes, perfumes, cosmetics etc. (iii) Oil cake is used as excellent cattle feed. Oil cake is also used as organic fertilizer. Q 39. Suggest two technological and three institutional reforms taken by the government to ensure the increase in agricultural production. Ans. (1) The right of inheritance has led to fragmentation of land holdings. Therefore, collectivization, consolidation of land holdings, cooperation and abolition of zamindari system, etc. are given priority to bring about institutional reforms. (2) The Green Revolution based on the use of package technology was initiated to improve Indian agriculture. (3) Land development programmed was initiated, which included provisions for crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and diseases, establishment of Grameen Banks, Cooperative Societies, etc. (4) Kissan Credit Card (KCC), Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS) were also introduced for the benefit of farmers. (5) Special weather bulletins and agricultural programme for farmers are run on the radio and television. (6) To check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middlemen, the government announces Minimum Support Price, Remunerative and Procurement prices for important crops. Q 40. Name the two most important staple food crops in India. Mention the geographical conditions required for their growth. Ans. The two most important staple food crops in India are rice and wheat. The geographical conditions required for the growth of rice are as follows. · It requires high temperature—above 25°C. · It requires high humidity for its growth. · It requires annual rainfall above 100 cm. · It grows well in the areas of less rainfall with the help of irrigation. The geographical conditions required for the growth of wheat are as follows. · It is a rabi crop and needs cool growing season. · It requires bright sunshine at the time of ripening. · It also requires 50 to 70 cm of annual rainfall, well distributed over the growing season. Q 41. Suggest any five measures to enhance the agricultural production in India. Ans. Agricultural is an important economic activity in our country. I would like to suggest the following measures to enhance the agricultural production in India. · Each district and block can be made self-sufficient in agricultural production if the government provides proper agricultural infrastructure, irrigation facilities, electricity, etc. · Loans can be provided at lower interest rates to cultivator. · The use of latest techniques can be encouraged. · Instead of concentrating only on rice or wheat, the food crop with a better growth potential in that particular area must be encouraged. · Attracting foreign investment in agriculture and also free trade in grains will not only increase agricultural production, but will also create massive employment and reduce poverty in rural areas. · Farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high-value crops. Q 42. Mention the geographical conditions required for the growth of cotton along with any four cotton-producing states. Ans. Cotton is a kharif crop. India is believed to be the original home of the cotton plants. The geographical conditions required for the growth of cotton are as follows. · Cotton grows in the drier parts of the black cotton soil of the Deccan Plateau. · Cotton needs high temperature, light rainfall or irrigation , 210 frost-free days and bright sunshine for its growth. · It requires 6 to 8 months to mature. · Major cotton-producing states are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh , Telengana , Tamil Nadu , Punjab , Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Q 43. Distinguish between primitive subsistence farming and intensive subsistence farming. Ans. The following are the differences between primitive subsistence farming and intensive subsistence farming. Primitive Subsistence Farming Intensive Subsistence Farming It is practiced on small patches of land. It is practiced in areas of high population pressure on land. Production is low as the farmers do not use fertilizers or other modern inputs. Farmers use high doses of biochemical inputs and irrigation to obtain higher production. It is ‘slash and burn’ agriculture where a patch of land is cleared and food crops are grown. The farmers continue to take maximum output from the limited land. There is no pressure on land. The land remains fertile. There is immense pressure on land. It done by farmers to sustain their families. It is done to earn a livelihood. Q 44. How has irrigation changed the cropping pattern in many regions of India? Explain with examples. Ans. Irrigation has changed the cropping pattern of many regions, with farmers shifting to water-intensive and commercial crops. · Due to the success of the Green Revolution in Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan, these states have started growing rabi crops like wheat, barley, peas and gram. · Paddy has become an important crop of Punjab and Haryana. In states like Assam, West Bengal and Orissa, three crops of paddy are grown in a year and are known as ( Aus, Aman and Boro) . · The development of canal irrigation and tubewells has made it possible to grow rice in areas of less rainfall such as Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan. · The use of modem inputs like HYV (High Yielding Variety) seeds, fertilizers and irrigation has contributed to high production of maize. Q 45. Explain rubber cultivation in India under the following heads. (a) Importance (b) Geographical conditions (c) Any two rubber-producing states Ans. Importance: Rubber is an important industrial raw material. Geographical conditions: It is an equitable crop, which is grown in tropical and subtropical areas. It requires moist and humid climate with temperature above 25°C and rainfall above 200 cm. Two rubber-producing states: It is mainly grown in Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar islands , Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Garo hills of Meghalaya. Q 46. Explain any five features of Indian agriculture. Ans. The following are the five features of Indian agriculture. · Indian agriculture is mainly of Intensive subsistence type. · It is mainly practiced in areas of high population pressure on land. · It is labour-intensive farming, where high doses of biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining high yields. · Farmers continue to take maximum output from the limited land in the absence of alternate source of livelihood, which leads to enormous pressure on agricultural land. · The right of inheritance has led to division of land among successive generations and rendered the size of land holding uneconomical. Q 47. Explain any five characteristics of commercial farming in India. Ans. The following are the five characteristics of commercial farming in India. · The main characteristic of commercial farming is the use of high doses of modern inputs, like HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, in order to obtain higher productivity. · The degree of commercialization of agriculture varies from one region to another, for example rice is a commercial crop in Punjab and Haryana but in Odessa it is a subsistence crop. · Plantation is also a type of commercial farming where a single crop is grown on a large area. · Plantations cover large areas using capital intensive inputs with the help of migrant labourers. · In India tea, coffee, rubber, sugar cane and banana are important plantation crops. Q 48. Write four geographical requirements each for the growth of tea and sugar cane. Ans. For geographical conditions required for the growth of tea. The following are the geographical conditions required for the production of sugar cane. · It is a tropical as well as sub-tropical crop. · It needs hot and humid climate with temperature of 21°C to 27°C. · It requires annual rainfall between 75 cm and 100 cm. · It can grow on a variety of soil. Q 49. “Agriculture and industry are complementary to each other.” Justify the statement. Ans. Agriculture and industry are complementary to each other in the following ways. · Agro-based industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity. · Industry has contributed to agriculture by providing the implements like irrigation pumps, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, plastic and PVC pipes, machines tools, sprinklers and drip irrigation systems. · Thus development, competitiveness and manufacturing industry have not only assisted agriculturalists in increasing their productivity, but also made production process very efficient. · In the present day world of globalization, industry needs to be more efficient and competitive. · Today we are not only self-sufficient in agriculture but our farmers are able to compete with other farmers in the world. Today, we are able to produce goods for international market. Q 50. Why is the growth rate in agriculture decelerating? How did the Government of India make efforts to modernize agriculture? Explain. Ans. The growth rate in agriculture is decelerating due to the following reasons. · Reduction in public investment in agriculture especially for irrigation, power, rural roads, etc. · Subsidy on fertilizers has decreased leading to increase in the cost of production. · Reduction in import of agricultural goods · Lack of employment in agriculture · Erratic nature of monsoon rainfall To modernize agriculture the Government of India has taken concerted efforts like the following. · Setting up of agricultural universities, veterinary services and animal breeding centres. · Horticulture development · Research and development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast · Improvement of rural infrastructure Q 51. What are the disadvantages of Green Revolution ? Ans . Green Revolution has caused land degradation due to overuse of chemicals, drying aquifers and vanishing biodiversity. Q 52. How Indian farmers can increase their sources of Income ? Ans . Indian farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high-value crops. This will increase incomes and reduce environmental degradation simultaneously. · Fruits, medicinal herbs, flowers, vegetables, bio-diesel crops like jatropha and jojoba need much less irrigation than rice or sugarcane. · India’s diverse climate can be harnessed to grow a wide range of high-value crops. Q 53. What is Genetic Engineering ? Ans. Genetic Engineering is a powerful supplement in inventing new hybrid varieties of seeds. Q 54. What measures were taken by Government of India in the 1980’s & 1990’s for Agriculture improvement ? Ans. · In the 1980s and 1990s, a comprehensive land development programme was initiated, which included both institutional and technical reforms. · Provision for crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disease, establishment of Grameen banks, cooperative societies and banks for providing loan facilities to the farmers at lower rates of interest were some important steps in this direction. · Kissan Credit Card (KCC), Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS) are some other schemes introduced by the Government of India for the benefit of the farmers. · Moreover, special weather bulletins and agricultural programmes for farmers were introduced on the radio and television. · The government also announces minimum support price, remunerative and procurement prices for important crops to check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middlemen. Q 55. What were the steps taken by the government to improve the conditions of farmers just after Independence ? Ans. · Collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition of zamindari, etc. were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country after Independence. · Land reform was the main focus of our First Five Year Plan. · The right of inheritance had already lead to fragmentation of land holdings necessitating consolidation of holdings. Q 56. Explain about the fruit production spatially in India ? Ans. India is a producer of tropical as well as temperate fruits. · Mangoes of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal . · Oranges of Nagpur and Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya). · Bananas of Kerala, Mizoram, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, · Lichi and guava of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, · Pineapples of Meghalaya, · Grapes of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra Apples, pears, apricots and walnuts of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh are in great demand the world over.

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