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Monday, May 3, 2021

The voice of wisdom is often curtailed

The voice of wisdom is often curtailed

a poem by R.A. Jacob

The voice of wisdom is often curtailed,

When people are being made quiet,

When the voice of people is suffocated,

Wisdom for sure dies.

Now people are dying,

Seeking oxygen for sure,

Suffocation is being experienced,

Suffocation is causing death for sure.

If you heard the voice of people,

The people would not have died,

If you acted in council,

Millions wouldn't have died.

Matthew Bill ReginoId, read an article that the Russians were having this problem also, they did an autopsy on two of the victims that died and noticed they had blood clots in the arms legs, and chest area interfering with supplying air to the lungs, they gave the reminder of the patients Ashburn and within forty-eight hours they were able to release the rest of the patients. Stay Safe! USA 05/03/2021 11:20 PM

Reginold Jacob Bill You must be right I don't know how it will end. India 05/05/2021 2:15 AM

Westly Shaw, As long as we have God there is hope! USA 05/05/2021 12:53 PM

Matthew Bill Reginold, the world of today is being attacked by evil as I see some of your poems as little prayers. We need every advantage we can get including spiritual, and like you, I see little wisdom as we fight this spiritual war. May God keep you healthy and safe and your voice strong! He who has ceased to pray has lost a great friendship” Richard evens USA 05/05/2021 7:49 PM

Reginold Jacob Yes. Shaw God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

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