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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

You are worthy, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

You are worthy
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I know, my place value,
I know, my face value, and
I know, it's certainly, not too high,
Yet, for me, Christ died.

Now tell me, aren't we important,
Son of God, for us, came to die,
If you feel you are broken,
Shouldn't we, give Him, a try.

Come unto me, ye weary ones,
Come unto me, ye weak,
Christ has promised salvation,
To all, who, from Him seek.

He can change your mourning to dancing,
He can change your attitude,
He is the master builder,
Please do not refuse.

R. A. Jacob

Note-- I had a negative attitude, my attitude changed as I looked at Him.
So many of us live our lives in depression for we think we do not matter. I believe you and I are very important that is why the creator of the world came to save us.

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