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Friday, July 10, 2020

What a pity, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

What a pity
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

What a pity it is for man,
To love metal more than Men,
Metal that cannot speak,
Metal that cannot understand.

Metal that adds to your ego,
Metal that makes you a man,
Metal that makes you superior,
Men you won't ever understand.

Maybe the fruit of Eden,
That man ate in haste,
Has robbed us of humanity,
Turning our essence to waste.

Yet the battle of Eden is won,
The shackles of sins undone,
Yet Man in bondage,
Has metal in place of love.

Note: The battle has been won at Calvary, by Christ as he broke the bondage of sin. Yet we still live in bondage if give gold more importance than men.

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