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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Janet Jacob requime, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Janet Jacob requiem

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

Go depart rest in peace
Heavens await thee now
Allow thy self to leave this cage
He will hold thy hands.

You will walk in his presence,
Father who gave his son will hold you as his child
No pain shall ever touch you
He shall all thy needs, provide

You shall never feel lonely
He will be by your side
What peace it is
When he is beside

You’ll need no council to defend thee
He shall be thy guide
What the world can’t even afford
Heavens have plenty and more

There is love eternal that never ends
No doubt shall touch thee in that land
He will hold thy hand
In his presence, my love shall stand

This poem was written for my sister during the time when I used to be by her side in the hospital.
The last three stanzas were written later after she went to meet her lord.
wishing her all peace and joy may god bless her.amen

Reginald Ajay Jacob

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