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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Federalism :- Chapter 2

Q1 ) What is federalism? 

Q2 ) What are the key features of federalism? Pg15

Q3) The exact balance of power between the centre and the state government varies from one federation to another . Discuss.


Distinguish between coming together and holding together federation.

Q4) What makes India a federal country? Discuss.(5 marker ) 

Q5) What are the 3 lists in which the power of the central and the state government are divided? Pg16

Q6) What do you understand about the residuary subject ? Pg 17

Q7) How is federalism practised in India ? Pg19

Q8) The creation of ______ was the first major test for the democratic politics in the country. Ans ( Linguistic states)

Q9) Besides in the ____  other languages are recognised as scheduled languages . Ans (21)

Q10) How did the coalition government strengthen the role of regional parties ?

Q11) What do you understand about local self government? Pg 24

Q12) what do you understand about decentralisation? Pg 24

Q13)What were the major steps taken for decentralisation in 1992?

Pg 24 ( 5 marker )

Q14) What do you understand about panchayati raj ? Who is the head of the panchayati raj? 

Q15) What are the 3 levels of local self government? Pg 25

Q16) Who is a mayor ?

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