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Monday, October 14, 2024

You are The Master

Tell me Jesus, what should I do, 

When everything is out of control, 

When I am not at the helm of affairs, 

When things are out of control. 

I can't control the movement of time, 

I can't control the events of life, 

I can't manage my world, and

That's a fact every time. 

Maker of heaven and earth, 

Creator of all who breath, 

I raise my request to thee, 

Interweave in the movement of time. 

You have always stepped in my favour, 

Interweave in the movement of time, 

I leave all my worries at thy footstool, 

For you are the master of my life. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Once again this child is forced

 Once again this child is forced,

To live in the world of paper and page,

I console this child for that’s the only place,

Which I can provide him at this stage.

Wait for the world may misunderstand you,

Wait for the world is not plain, 

Wait for I provide you even ground,

There can be nothing better than a page.

You can live on it,

You won’t be hurt,

No one will be hurt by you,

Nobody will call you words.

You’ll be safe I tell you,

Live and I say you’ll have no fears,

To me my heart you are very dear,

O child don’t die, live. 

If not in the world of reality,

Then live at least on this page,

For if you don’t live oh my soul,

I for sure shall fail.

Note: This poem talks about expressing ourselves, many a time world is not ready to hear us at such hard times I express myself to just the page where I give my thoughts a vent.

My dreams

I take my shattered dreams,

I take them to the Lord,

I can't tell the world,

I leave them at thy altar oh Lord.

Carpenter of Israel,

Repair my shattered dreams,

Task is just too difficult,

So to thee I plead.

Only you can revive me,

No other hope I see,

Build again I plead thee,

No other hope I see.

Creator,sustainer, provider,

Master of heaven and earth,

When things go beyond me,

I learn to value thy worth.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Class X Chapter 7 – Life Lines of national Economy

 Class X

Chapter 7 – Life Lines of national Economy

  1. The World has turned into a global village. Discuss (81)

  2. Name a historical road/highway. (82)

  3. Who maintains national highways?(82)

  4. Explain about the advantages of roads over railways.(82)

  5. What are the major objectives of super highway?(82)

  6. Name the organization that is implementing this program?(82)

  7. Which is the longest highway? Also name the area which it connects. (82)

  8. Explain the state highway. Also name the organization responsible for its maintenance. (82)

  9. What are the areas linked by the golden quadrilateral? (82)

  10. Name the two ends of the east – west, north – south corridor respectively. (82)

  11. When and where was the first railway line made in India? What was the total distance that it covered? (84)

  12. What is the importance of railways? (84)

  13. Name the largest public sector undertaking in the country? (84)

  14. Classify roads on the basis of the type of material used. (84)

  15. what are the problems confronting the road transport.(84)

  16. Name the organization responsible for constructing the border roads. When was this association formed? (84)

  17. What do you understand by road density? (84)

  18. What is the national average of roads which state has the highest and lowest road density? (84)

  19. What are the problems confronting Indian railways? (85)

  20. What are the materials transported by pipeline? How are solids being transported via pipelines? (85)

  21. What is the importance of konkan railways? Discuss the problems associated with the same. (85) (2+2)

  22. What are the advantages of pipelines? (85)

  23. Name the three important national network if pipelines in India. (85)

  24. What are four advantages of waterways? (87)

  25. Name 3 national waterways. (87)

  26. Discuss about the specific feature of the kolkata port. (87)

  27. Name the port made to release pressure over kolkata/mumbai port. (87)

  28. Name the 2 areas served by Indian airlines. (87)

  29. Explain the functions of pawanhans helicopters(88)

  30. Name the deepest landlocked port of India. (87)

  31. What are the four advantages of waterways? Name three national waterways (87)

34. Explain the specific advantages of

  1. Mumbai P.

  2. Kandla P.

  3. Jawaharlal Nehru P.

  4. Marmagao P.

  5. New Mangalore (87)

35. What are the advantages of air transport? (88)

36. Name six mail channels that have been recently introduced? (90)

37. What is trade? What is international trade? Why is trade considered as economic barometer? (90)

38. What are the various means of communication? (90)

39. Explain the importance of  

1) All India Radio

2) Doordarshan (90)

40. What is favorable balance of trade? (91)

41. Explain the importance of tourism as a trade? (91)


Class X Ch – 5 Mineral and Energy Resources

                                                                         Class X 

Ch – 5 Mineral and Energy Resources 

  • What is a mineral according to geologists? Name the hardest and the softest mineral. P-50

  • Explain the importance of minerals for all living beings. P-50

  • What are the five different ways in which minerals occur? P-51

  • What is an ore? P-51

  • Explain the classification of minerals. P-51

  • Which minerals are found as placer deposits and why? P-52

  • What are the factors that affect mining? P-52

  • Look at the figure and answer the following:- 

  • Which state has the largest production of iron ore? Name any mine of this state.

  • Why iron ore is considered the backbone of industrial development? Give one point of similarity and one point of difference between hematite and magnetite ore. P-52

  • Look at the map and answer the following:-

  • Name the four major iron ore belts of India. P-53

  • What are the uses of manganese? Name the state which is the largest producer of manganese. P-53

  • Explain the three characters of copper? Also give its three uses. Name three mines from which copper is extracted? P-55

  • Name the ore of aluminium. Give its four characters. Name the region where bauxite is mined. P- 55

  • Explain about the characters of mica. What makes it indispensable in the electronic industry? P-55

  • Name the two major states producing Mica. Also mention one site where it is present. P-55

  • Name the rock associated with limestone? What are the industries that use limestone as their basic raw material? P-56

  • Explain the importance of conservation of resources? P-57

  • How can minerals be conserved? P-57

  • Why do we need Energy? What are the sources from which energy can be attained? Name some conventional and non conventional sources of energy? P-58

  • Name a coal mine in Tamilnadu used for taking out lignite? Name two series of rocks which contain coal? Which series has got better quality of coal? P-58

  • Why are thermal power plant and heavy industries located near the coal fields? P-60

  • Why are petroleum industries considered as nodal industries? Name the various uses of petroleum. P-60

  • Explain about the occurrence of oil. Or where does the oil occur in India and why? P-60

  • Explain about the production of oil in India? P-60

  • Look at the map and answer the following:-

  • Name the pipe line shown in the figure. Explain its importance in countries development.

  • Why natural gas is considered the fuel of the present generation/century? P-60

  • Explain the importance of H.B.J. P-60

  • What are the three uses of natural gas P-60

  • What are the three sources used for generation of thermal electricity? P-60

  • What are the two ways through which electricity can  generated? P-60

  • Explain how natural gas / coal are used as a source of energy and raw material. 

  • Name the three sources from which the nuclear energy can be produced in India? P-62

  • Name the largest solar plant of India? What is the purpose that it serves? P-62

  • What are the advantages of non conventional sources of energy? P-62

  • What are the problems confronting use of fossil fuels? P-62

  • What are the twin advantages of biogas? P-62

  • Why is the use of fire wood and cattle dung being discouraged in the rural area? P-62 Look at the map and answer the following:-

  • Look at the picture  and answer the following:-

What type of energy is being produced in the picture? Explain its importance?

  • Look at the map and answer the following:-

What type of energy is being produced in the picture? Explain its importance?

  • Mention the two experimental plants used for producing geothermal energy? P-63

  • What are the twin planks of sustainable energy development? P-63

  • How is tidal energy produced? Where is tidal energy plant located in India? P-63

You are The Master

Tell me Jesus, what should I do,  When everything is out of control,  When I am not at the helm of affairs,  When things are out of control....