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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side,

Hidden in the dark,

How dark must be the darkness,

Of the people  who appear to be dark.

Wash yourself of all malice,

Wash yourself and be clean,

Wash and cleanse yourself,

In the blood of the lamb.

Christ will punish you for sure,

Even David was not spared,

Mills of God will grind you,

You shall not be spared.

I raise my hands to the Lord,

I raise my hands for sure,

Vengeance shall be attributed,

Vengeance and vengeance for sure.

May my prayer grow louder and louder,

May my prayer reach His ears,

May my God arise,

May He wipe all tears.

Every person is a god's  creation,

You have raped, molested and killed,

Vengeance is bound to happen,

Christ is still the king.

Earth is seeking for justice,

Blood is crying to the lord,

Dead are seeking for an answer,

Staring at the face of the lord.

Let lord arise,

Let Him judge the earth,

Plundered are the people for sure,

Justice is the cry of the earth.

R. A. Jacob

Farmers protest a poem by Reginold Jacob

For your ego, 
How many more will die,
You look very obstinate,
However hard you may try.

Voice of the people,
Is the voice of God,
Change your decision,
Hear the cry of all.

Think of all who are suffering,
Know that many have died,
Cry of millions you can't hear,
One day you too shall cry.

If there is smoke all around,
There must also be fire,
Don't close your eyes for every,
Or consequences will be dire.

Save my country, My Jesus,
Save my brother's for sure,
When humans fail to understand,
I turn to Christ for sure.

Minted gold and diamonds a poem by R.A. Jacob

 Minted  gold and diamonds,

Plenty of treasures in the word,

Giving succour to the faint heart,

 Whenever they are heard.

Fear not Little flock,

I am on the side,

Nobody can touch thee,

The ball of my eyes.

Did the manna fail in the desert,

Or the windows oil ran dry,

I am the same forever,

If only my son you try.

Do not fear for tomorrow,

I am Lord of it too,

Have faith in me,

That's all that you can do.

Where the mind is free a poem by R.A. Jacob

Naked, horrible, too sad to see,

Justice is being denied,

Words should not be heard,

Nor should pen ever write.

In an undeclared emergency,

Awakes my beautiful world,

Everyone has been muted,

Not even one is being heard.

Article 32 has lost its luster, 

The court is saving its soul, 

And if it continues to happen, 

India will lose its soul. 

Where the mind is free, 

Where is the mind free, 

You will be called a criminal, 

You will be called a traitor I see. 

Note:- In this poem, the poet is trying to express the situation where freedom is being curtailed. You will be able to see how the poet is trying to cover up realities

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

They thought they had accomplished a poem by R.A. Jacob

They thought they had accomplished, 

A remarkable fleet by killing Christ, 

Blood of Christ had been shed, 

Gates of redemption opened wide. 

Christ preached the message of salvation, 

In the depth of the earth as He died, 

Three days of mighty evangelism, 

And the Sheol lost its captives for sure. 

The blood of the martyrs never fails, 

Seed dies to accomplish His will, 

Hundred fold increase is promised, 

For the seed that dies as He Wills.

Mathematics of Jesus is wonderful, 

Seed dies and brings hundred fold, 

Every seed is precious, 

Not a single seed will be lost. 

A poem by R.A.Jacob

Don't fall in the hands of Delilah a poem by R.A. Jacob

Don't fall in the hands of Delilah, 

Samson's eyes were gouged out, 

Secrets are meant to be secret, 

Truth should never be out. 

You shouldn't end up as an entertainer, 

At the dagons house, 

World would ask for reasons,

The truth should never be out.

Antony will die for Cleopatra,

For Helen Troy was destroyed, 

Give not thy power to destroyer, 

Or everything shall be destroyed. 

My strength lies in my weakness, 

My strength lies in His love, 

My strength faileth never, 

My strength is His love. 

R. A. Jacob


The story of Samson and Delilah is told in the Old Testament in the Bible, in Judges 16. Delilah is a Philistine woman who is bribed by the Philistine lords to discover the source of Samson's strength. Samson is a Nazirite and the final Judge of Israel, with supernatural strength given to him by God to do his work. Delilah tries three times to get Samson to reveal the secret of his strength, but he lies to her each time. Eventually, she persuades him to tell her that his strength comes from his hair, and while he is sleeping, she has a servant cut his hair and betrays him to the Philistines. The Philistines gouge out Samson's eyes and force him to grind grain in Gaza City, where his hair begins to grow back. When the Philistines take Samson to their temple of Dagon, Samson prays to God and regains his strength, allowing him to collapse the temple and kill himself and the Philistines. 

Seek courage from the Lord a poem by R.A. Jacob

I feel perturbed by the fact, 

That, the simple, are always despised, 

What a fearful world, 

Only the humble are despised. 

Afraid of the tyrant, 

We keep our eyes closed, 

Afraid of the vengeful, 

We in our wisdom keep our mouths closed. 

What a perfect world, 

Where we are so afraid, 

That we close our eyes to the truth, 

Where we just do not share. 

Fearful people, I am afraid of you, 

Fearful, just as fearful, as you are, 

Afraid to speak the truth, 

As afraid, as you are. 

The pertinent truth I am hiding, 

Is, in fact, the truth of God, 

He only can give you courage, 

Seek courage from the Lord. 

मुझे वह तथ्य चिंतित करता है,

कि साधारण लोग हमेशा निन्दित होते हैं,

कितनी भयानक दुनिया है,

केवल विनम्र लोगों की निन्दा होती है।

शासक से डरते हुए,

हम अपनी आँखें बंद रखते हैं,

प्रतिशोधी से डरते हुए,

हम अपने ज्ञान में अपने मुंह बंद रखते हैं।

कितनी पूरी दुनिया है,

जहाँ हम इतने डरते हैं,

कि हम सच्चाई को नज़रअंदाज़ कर देते हैं,

जहाँ हम सिर्फ साझा नहीं करते।

डरपोक लोग, मैं तुमसे डरता हूँ,

डरपोक, बस ऐसे ही डरपोक, जैसे तुम हो,

सच्चाई बोलने से भी डरते हैं,

जैसे तुम हो, मैं भी डरता हूँ।

मैं छिपा रहा हूँ वह प्रासंगिक सत्य,

है, वास्तव में, भगवान का सत्य है,

वही तुम्हें साहस दे सकते हैं,

भगवान से साहस मांगो।

For Brutus is your name a poem by R.A. Jacob

For brutus is your name

 a poem by R. A. Jacob

You supported the Aggressor, 
You strengthened those hands, 
You acted ignorant, 
As if I don't understand. 

Brutus, I can see you clearly, 
Brutus, you can not hide, 
Brutus, your shame is eternal, 
Brutus, you can't hide. 

The world will blame you for every, 
No one will ever use that name, 
I will hide your name forever, 
For brutus is your name. 

A poem by R. A. Jacob

Note : Brutus, Roman general, one of the conspirators in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Though he is Caesar's friend, Brutus joins in the conspiracy against Caesar's life, convincing himself that Caesar's death is for the greater good of Rome.

"तुम्हारा नाम ब्रूटस है।" कविता

आपने आक्रमणकारी का समर्थन किया,
आपने उन हाथों को मजबूत किया,
आपने अज्ञान व्यक्त किया,
जैसा कि मुझे समझ नहीं है।

ब्रूटस, मैं तुम्हें स्पष्ट रूप से देख सकता हूं,
ब्रूटस, तुम छिप नहीं सकते,
ब्रूटस, तुम्हारी शर्म शाश्वत है,
ब्रूटस, तुम छिप नहीं सकते।

दुनिया तुम्हें हर के लिए दोषी ठहराएगी,
कोई भी उस नाम का उपयोग नहीं करेगा,
मैं  तुम्हारा नाम छिपाऊंगा,
क्योंकि तुम्हारा नाम ब्रूटस है। 

How wise is mankind a poem by R.A. Jacob

How wise is mankind 

Values stones silver and gold 

Men and women and children 

In its exchange are sold 

Things of value matter, 

Are the things that are rare,

Thirty pieces of silver 

You see the world doesn't care. 

They can sell everything, 

They can even sell God 

Trade is the anthem of life, 

Rest of the things can simply slog. 

Will the veil be lifted up, 

Will man ever understand, 

Will the fruit of Eden ever fail 

I fail to understand. 

Note : The phrase "thirty pieces of silver" is a proverb that refers to someone who betrays a person or cause in exchange for money, power, or personal gain. In the Bible, the phrase refers to the price Judas Iscariot received for betraying Jesus, as described in the Gospel of Matthew 26:15. The phrase is also used to refer to money paid for a treacherous act, which is sometimes called "blood money".

Sometimes words fall short a poem by R.A. Jacob

Sometimes words fall short,

Sometimes words just fail,

When words lose their potency,

I turned to the one who never fails.

Words have  power indeed,

I wish to express it in one go,

Word will then accuse me,  

Every word has the power you know.

I can't, pour out my heart,

I can't, trust even a page,

I can't give a vent,

I Can't, I can't, even if it is a page.

Do not carry the burden of eternity,

Your shoulders will fail I am sure,

Weep in front of My Saviour,

He understands our heart’s core.

Weep, weep and weep again,

Weep, weep and weep out loud,

He will hear your whisper, 

He will hear you even if you are loud. 

I will keep you in a veil of secrecy, 

No, they will never find out,

They will read, yet veil, 

Yet the veil shall forever abound. 

Come with me, my child, 

Come to the Father's house, 

Hold His hands of comfort,

I tell you He will not flout.

In the shade of the wood, 

The wood of that blessed cross, 

Millions have found relief, 

In the shade of the cross.

He closes a door, 

We feel the depth of pain,

Yet it was closed for our good,

Lest our future is stained.

Trust your father for sure,

Trust He Will not fail, 

He can lift up the valleys,

He can make mountains plain.

Wait oh bleeding soul waits,

Wait on the promises of the Lord,

Pour out thy supplications,

At the footstool of the lord. 

Your father is the maker of heaven and earth,

Your father is a mighty man,

Pour out your supplications,

I am sure He will stretch out his hand.

Do not carry the burden of eternity,

Just hold  his mighty hand,

Weep, weep and weep again,

I tell you He will hold your hand.

He can rewrite your future,

But you just have to leave it in his hands, 

Why should I force my will,

For I know he has a better plan.

No advice to give, 

Yet  a request to make,

When burdens are  too heavy, 

Just leave it at his stake.

Note:-In this poem you will find that the poet discounts the value of words. 

In the second stanza, you will find the poet speaks exactly the opposite of what he expresses in the first stanza. 

The poet is not able to express his thoughts to a page hence is trying to cover everything in a veil, later you will find the poet turns to God and asks his loved one to also turn to the Lord, for the poet knows only God can really help.

Easy to kindle the fire a poem by R.A. Jacob

Easy to kindle the fire, 
Easy to make it burn, 
Difficult to quench the fire, 
Fire that always burns. 

You have set up the fire of violence, 
You have made it burn, 
Who will quench the fire, 
Fire that always burns. 

He will reward you,
For all what you have done, 
Eye of Christ are looking, 
Every prayer shall be heard. 

You have touched the apple of His eye, 
The prayer of oppressed shall be heard, 
Justice shall be delivered, 
It's voice shall not be heard. 

Farewell a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

 I will look for you, and you won't be there, 
Transient is the word that defines, 
Yet memories keep on lingering, 
Hard are the facts of life. 

We meet and we part again, 

Parting is a part and parcel of life, 

Transient is the word that defines,

Transient are all facts of life. 

No you were unique, 

Creator rarely creates duplicates, 

Every person has unique persona, 

I always appreciate .

Daughter of Manipur a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My prayers won't ever stop my Lord, 

My prayers won't ever stop, 

I will always look to thee, 

My prayers won't ever stop. 

Pray with me daughter, 

Pray for your pain is deep, 

Pray for only He can deliver, 

Praying that you may have peace. 

Daughter of Manipur, 

Injustice has been done, and

I don't have answers you see, 

To Christ I raise my plea. 

Humanity is dead Lord, 

Naked is all mankind, 

Humans have failed miserably, 

I raise my plea to Christ. Amen. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

The storm is approaching, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

The storm is approaching
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

The storm is approaching,
I heard the alarm,
The fear of danger,
My faith did disarm,

I lost the helm of faith,
I was swept too and fro,
My heart in its distress,
No patience could ever know.

From the lips of a stranger,
I heard have faith in God,
Yet I kept wavering, as
If I was lost.

I wondered too and fro,
Sighing bearing the pain,
Turning from faithful to faithless,
From strength to being in vain.

Though the storm is bound to approach,
Yet through Strom, He shall be my guide,
Tempest doth also obey Him,
Why fear when He is beside.

Did the boat of disciple sink,
Didn't the sea obey His command,
Peace be still in His command,
Full obedience He demands.

How do you wash your hands, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

How do you wash your hands

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

How do you wash your hands,
Oh, ye man of strife,
How did your conscious approve it,
Oh, ye men of strife.

Blood of Abel cried out of the land,
Justice was the cry,
You kill people after planning,
Has the earth stopped its cry?

Lord of justice will take revenge,
Every human is his child,
Blame not one another,
Justice will be done in a while

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cain will continue to kill a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Abel was killed by Cain, 
Abel is killed again, 
Abel is killed in every generation, 
Abel has to bear the pain. 

Abel will always have to die, 
Abel will be killed every time, 
Abel's blood will cry to the Lord, 
Abel will always meet demise. 

Cain will continue to kill, 
Cain will never stop, 
Hatred will continue to rage, 
Blood shed won't ever stop. 

All so called religious people, 
Who kill others in the name of God
Will always follow the footsteps of Cain, 
Killing everyone one by the sword. 

Blood will cry for vengeance, 
Earth won't hide this sin. 
Judgement will take sometime, 
Till that time Cain will continue to kill. 

Don't follow the ways of Cain, 
Your hands will be crimson red, 
Blood of thy brother will cry out, 
Death deserves death. 

The story of Cain and Abel in the Bible is considered the first murder and is significant in many religions. In the story, Cain kills his brother Abel out of jealousy after God rejects Cain's sacrifice but accepts Abel's. God punishes Cain by exiling him and marking him, and says that anyone who kills Cain will be punished sevenfold. Some readers see the story as evidence of God's justice.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

My train is running at its fastest ....5, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My train is running at its fastest ....5

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My train is running at its fastest,
Who can hold the speed of time,
Passengers have now reached college,
Guard is happy besides.

I see myself in a valley So green,
I thank Almighty for His grace,
See the tracks kept changing,
Yet one thing was sure that's His grace.

With me in the valley,
With me every time,
I love your presence,
Each and every time.

So many joys have you added in my heart,
I praise you for great though art,
My relaxation and comfort thou art,
And I know you won't ever part.

Note: The poem talks about passengers ie my children. Guard is my wife

Do not talk to a fool a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Do not talk to a fool,

Fools, shouldnt be entertained,

You can't reach their level,

Why waste your jewels in vain.

Fools should be kept at a distance,

Fools should be always disdained,

Fools should be kept at arm's length,

Distance should be always maintained. 

Once you realise the person of a man,

Maintain distance for sure,

Deceit is always covered for sure,

Don't waste your time in vain.


As a hen gathers her children a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

 As a hen gathers her children,

Right under her wings,

He will also surround  me,

From each and every harm.

Arms of Almighty can never fail,

He is victorious every time,

Neither have they failed in the past

Nor will they fail this time.

Some trust in chariots,

Some trust in fate,

I have you as my refuge,

I have essence called faith.

Hold the mouth of deceitful,

Hold the mouth of lies,

Build your wall around me,

Whenever circumstances try.

Note:- This poem draws its inspiration from Psalm 91. I have always seen the deliverance of the Lord. He part's the sea so that I may cross. To me, he is the only reality that can protect me, His child.

Let Saul convert to Paul, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Let Saul convert to Paul

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

On the road to Damascus,

Saul encountered Christ,

Looking at His glory

Saul turned out to be blind.

Today also the condition is the same,

Most of us have turned out to be blind,

Blind to the glory of Jesus,

Blind to the goodness of Christ.

In veil is the goodness of God,

Men have turned out to be blind,

Thinking our hands have done it,

Veil has turned us blind.

May the scales of ignorance fall,

May we all receive our eyesight,

Acknowledged that He is creator, or

Till when shall the blind lead the blind.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Impractical Assumptions

 All my assumptions were impractical, 
They got shattered as a dream, 
I wonder how impractical, 
Too hard for me to conceal. 

Why did you let my assumptions break, 
Why my Lord I plead, 
How hollow I appear to myself, 
How can it  ever be concealed?

I am hollow as a drum, 
And I know it is true, 
He only can breath life, 
Only on him I  rely. 

A poem by R. A. Jacob

David got Uriah killed a poem by R. A. Jacob

David got Uriah the killed, 
He planned to hide his sins, 
King would have been exposed, 
So Uriah must not live. 

Reward of service unwavering, 
Uriah paid with his life, 
Oh what a cruel reward,
David, you robbed him of his life. 

Injustice of David, 
Couldn't escape the Lord's eyes, 
David had to live in trouble, 
After this incident of his life. 

Uriah must have failed to understand, 
Why did they leave him in the enemy's hands? 
King had adultery to cover, 
So Uriah had to be sacrificed.

David had adultery to cover, 
But why did you kill me? 
What did you ultimately gain? 
Searching for answers in vain. 

You killed my reputation, 
You killed me for sure, 
Maybe you wanted some drama, 
So you tarnished my reputation to the core.

A poem by R. A. Jacob

Note:- King David committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba who consequently became pregnant. Upon learning of Bathsheba's condition, David tried to cover his sin and eventually arranged for Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle.

Fear Not

Fear not, for I am your God,
Fear not, for I prevail,
Fear not, for I am mighty,
Fear not, for I never fail.

Fear not, for I am victorious,
Fear not, for I have prevailed,
Fear not, for I have conquered,
Fear not, for I have conquered the grave.

Fear not, for you are not alone,
Fear not, for I am by your side,
Fear not, for I am with you,
Fear not, for I am beside.

Note:- The poem talks about the present situation,in our country especially Manipur.

I will remain silent

I will remain silent,
For who will hear if I speak,
Silence is the only option,
For who is there to heed. 

Crucify him is the only voice,
You will hear, 
No rebuttal you will ever find, 
Lamb is silent every time. 

If Jesus was human 
He too would have cried, 
EU to Judas 
Just as Ceasers cried. 

Cry of the oppressed, 
On earth won't ever be heard, 
Yet the creator of earth won't be silent, 
Every cry shall be heard. 

If your voice has been silenced, don't bother, 
If you feel suffocated, don't care, 
Abel's blood will cry for justice, 
Justice for sure shall be done. 

Note:- In the Bible, Genesis 4:10 says, “Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground”. God says this in response to Cain's evasion after murdering his brother Abel. The Hebrew word ze aqah is translated as "cries out" in this verse. It is used throughout the Old Testament to describe the cry, complaint, or appeal of victims of injustice. The story of Cain and Abel reminds us that:
  • Plaintiffs and defendants live before the face of God
  • God heard Abel's cry for justice. 
R. A. Jacob.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

fundamentals of human geography BOOK xii


Human Geography Nature and Scope

  1. What are the two major components of earth? define human geography?Pg-1

  2. What is the core concern of geography? Pg-1

  3. The dichotomy between physical and human geography is not very valid one should be seen holistically. Discuss. Pg-1

  4. What is dualism in geography? Pg-1

  5. What are three important points given in the definition of-Pg-2

  • Ratzel

  • Ellen C.

  • Paul Vidal de la blache

  1. Explain the relation between technology, nature and human development ?Pg. 2 

  2. Differentiate between – determinism – stops and determinism –possibilism ?Pg. 3

  3. Explain about three approaches to study human geography. Pg5                                                                                   

  4. Differentiate between Naturalization of humans and Humanization of nature. Pg. 3 3x1=3

  5. What do you understand by neo determines on middle path? Pg. 4                                                   

  6. What are the broad stages of approaches that geography had dined different terms periods? Pg. 5   

  7. Explain the three approaches that emerged in 1970. Pg. 4-5

  8. What are the subfields of geography? Pg. 6

Board questions 

  1. Which are the three core points of the human geography given by elle semple?         (delhi 2009)                                     1 mark2.
  2. "The nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated."justify the statement.           (delhi 2016) page 2                         3mark
  3.   "Nature and humans are inseparable elements". justify the statement with examples .              (delhi 2017) page2
  4. "The knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop technology." support this statement with examples . Page 2                   (All India 2015)   3mark           


 How is knowledge of nature important to develop technology?explain with egs.       (delhi 2010)Page 2

5. What is the subject matter of study of geography? Explain any 3 facts.  (Delhi 2015) page 2 definition

6. Explain with egs how nature gets humanised.   (Delhi 2014) page 2

7. "There is mutual interaction between  the elements of physical geography and human geography." support the statement with.        (Delhi 2014)

8. Explain the concept of 'possibilism' with 3 suitable examples. Page 3

9. define "human geography" in your own words.mention any 4 fields of human geography.      (all India 2013)Page 6 

10. Define 'human geography give 4 examples of elements of material culture created by humans,using the resources provided by nature. Page 2

11. Explain the concept of 'determinism' with suitable egs.    (delhi 2011,09)pg-2

12.Explain the concept of neo determinism with suitable egs.pg-4


What is the new concept of griffith taylor in the field of human geography?describe the concept with examples. (All India 2008)Pg-4

13. How does technology loosen the shackles of envt. on humans?explain with egs. (All India 2010)pg-2

14.State 6 approaches of human geography? (2008)Pg-5

15. State 6 different fields of human geography. (2008) pg-7

16. State any six subfields of social geography. (2008) pg-7

17. Six subfields of economic geography? (2008) pg-7                                                     

18."The knowledge and understanding of the laws are extremely valuable to humankind" Explain the values that can help us the gifts of nature in a sustainable manner.(2016)pg-2

19. Explain how technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. (delhi 2012) p

 The World Population
Distribution, Density and Growth

  1. Name the country which has the highest growth rate of population?1 Pg. 8

  2. What was the population of the world at the beginning of the 21st century? Pg. 8 

  3. Name the third most densely populated country of the world. 1 Pg. 8

  4. What is the real wealth of the country?Pg-8

  5. Name the country with 

    1. highest population

    2. second highest population

  6. Explain the four geographical factors that influence population growth distribution?Pg-9

  7. Explain four geographical factors that influence the distribution of population Pg. 9 1+1+1+1=4

  8. Define density of population. Explain with examples any four factors influencing the density of population in the world. Pg. 9 1+4=5 

  9. What do you understand  by the term Pg-10

  10. Growth of Population 

  11.  Natural growth of Population

  1. Explain the three economic factors that influence Population. Pg-10

  1. Which continent has the highest annual growth rate of population? Which are the basic components responsible for population growth? Describe each component in brief. Pg. 11

  2. What is actual growth rate of population? Pg-11

  3. Which are the three basic components responsible for population change? Describe each factor in brief. Pg 11 , 4marks

  1. Define Crude birth rate. Pg-11

  2. Explain the trends of world population growth. Give suitable examples. Pg. 12                                                                 Pg-13

  1. “There is negative correlation between economic development and population growth”lly not so”.

  2. What do you understand by world population?Pg-14

  3. Explain the theory given by Malthus. What are the two types of checks as per Malthus? Explain which is better why?Pg-15

  4. What do you understand by DEMOGRAPHIC CYCLE? Pg-15

  5. Discuss the three stages of transformation of an agrarian economy into urban  industrial one?Give one country as a  representative sample as per your book?PG-15

  6. What do you understand by family planning? Explain steps taken to prevent population growth?Pg-15

Board questions 

1.How is density of population of a region calculated? delhi 2015 pg-9

2. Define the term population distribution. 2015 pg-8

3. Give the meaning of crude birth rate.  2013 pg-11

4. Define the term density of population. 2012 pg-9

5. Define the population growth.2012 pg-10

6. Define the term positive growth of population. 2011 pg-10

7. Explain any 3 push and any 2 pull factors that influence the migrations of population in the world.  2016 pg-12

8. Describe any 3 factors the the first stage of demographic transition theory.   2014 pg-14

9. Describe 3 characteristics of  the last stage of demographic transition theory.  2014 pg-14

10.Explain with examples any 3 geographical factors which influence the distribution of population in the world.   2008 pg-9

11."90% of the world population lives in about 10% of its total land areas,whereas remaining 10% population resides in the 90% of its land area." support the statement with eggs.    2017 pg-8

12. What is the meaning of density of population ? Examine the 4 geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world with examples.  2017 pg-9 

13. What is demographic cycle? describe 3 stages of demographic transition theory?   2016 pg-14

14. When does positive population growth takes place ? explain the geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world.   2015 pg-10

15 How is the mortality rate of a region affected?explain any 4 push factors responsible for migration. 2015 pg-12

16. Explain 3 economic and 2 social and cultural factors influencing the distribution of the population in the world.  2015 pg-10

17.Explain 3 components of population change in the world . analyse the impacts of population change. 2014 pg-11

Human Development

  1. Name the only country of the one, which has proclaimed gross national happiness as the measure of countries progress. 2x1=2

  2.  Define the term Growth & Development.                      

  3. What is the main objective of human development according to noble laureate professor Amratya sen?  

  4. Explain HDI . Who created the human development index, when was it created?

  5. Explain human poverty index (HPI) 3x1=3 

  6. Classify the countries of the world based on Human development.  1+2=3 

  7. Explain the four approaches to human development. 4x1=4            

  8.  What are the three key main area  of human development?Pg-24

  9. What are the four pillars of human development?Pg-25

  10. What are the indicators used for the HDI?Pg-26

  11. What are the indicators used for the HPI? [Human Poverty Index]Pg-26

  12.  Distinguish between HDI and HPI?Pg-27

  13. Name the country, which proclaimed GNH as a means of countries progress? What is GNH?Pg-27

 board questions (Chapter 3)

1.Leading a long and healthy life is an important aspect of human development.Give an argument to support this statement. (Hots delhi 2016)
2.Define the concept of human development. 2016
3.Which country has proclaimed gross national happiness as the measure of a country's progress. 2014
4.Name the counry which has the highest rank in human development index. 2014
5 Explain the basic needs approach to human development in the world, 
6.Mention any 2 key areas of measuring human development.2013
7.Which is the most significant aspect of human development?2012
8.Explain any 3 human values which are required to empower socially and economically disadvantaged people. Hots 2013
9.Development is a qualitative change,which is always value positive. Support this statement with 3 arguments. 2012 hots
10 explain the key areas of human development.2012
11. Differentiate between growth & development with eg 2012
12. Explain any 3 features of welfare approach of human development.2012
13.Explain the concept of equity and sustainability as the pillars of human development. 2011
14.The size of a territory & per capita income are not directly related to human development.Support this statement with egs. 2017 16 . What is human development ?Analyse the four pillars of human development 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

 Primary Activities

  1. In the modern time gathering has become market oriented and commercial. Explain this statement with examples.                           3x1=3                         

  2. Movement in search of pastures is undertaken either over vast horizontal distance or vertically. Explain this statement with examples.      3x1=3

  3. What do you understand by transhumance? State any four characteristics of pastoral Nomadism.                   3x1=3

  4. What are the economic activities? Explain poverty types or economic activites

  5. What is primary activites? Pg-31

  6. Name the two oldest economic activities. Pg-31

  7. What is poaches?Pg-31

  8. What is nomadic herding? Give its characters.

  9. What is subsistence agriculture?explain it in two categories?Pg-34

  10. Explain slash and burn agriculture/shifting agriculture?give two other names associated with shifting agriculture?Pg-36

  11. What are the four important plantation crops?Pg-37

  12. Explain five characterstic feature of  plantation agriculture?Pg-37

  13. Explain about the contributions of the differest colonial power in selling plantation agriculture in different parts of the world?Pg-37

  14. Give atleast 3 ex’s to prove that plantation agriculture was introduced by the Europeans and the American in the tropical lands?Pg-37

  15.  In which typee of agriculture developed by no. off seasons ?european colonies in  tropical landsPg-37

  16. What is the difference between mixed farming and  dairy farming?Pg-38

  17. In which type of agriculture crops & animal husbandary are given are equal importance?PG-38

  18. Why is dairy farming concentrated near the urban and industrial centers? Name the main regions and associated with the  commercial dairy farming?Pg-39

  19. In which type of agriculture there is no off season?Pg-39

  1. which type of agriculture is famous for citrus fruits?Pg-39

  2. what is Viticulture?Pg-40

  3. Which country is famous for  the growth of tulip?Pg-40

  4. What is factory farming?Pg-40

  5. What is norticulture?Pg-40

  6. Explain truck farming?Pg-40

  7. What are factors that led to sudden increase in mining activity? Explain the factors that influence mining?Pg-41

  8. Name a country in which collective farming was practiced. what was it called?PG-41

  9. Name a country in which every farmer is a member of the co-operative movement?Pg-41

  10. What are two methods of mining?

  11. Why are developed countries moving away from mines?Pg-42

  12. Name three important stages regarding use of the history of human development? Pg-42

  13. What have been various uses of mineral  since ancient times? Pg-42

  14. Explain major factors effecting mining activity. Pg-42

  15. There are two types of mining shown in diagram?Identify  and give, correct title or name to each?Pg-43

  16. Give two major feature of  each type of mining?Pg-43

  17. Write a short note on open caste mining?Pg-43

  1. Board questions

  1. What are economic activities?2015 Pg.31 
  2. Who are called red collar workers?2015 Pg. 
  3. What is truck farming?2014 Pg.40 6
  4. Name the 2 activities on which the early human beings were dependent on the environment for their sustenance.2011,2008. Pg.33 7.
  5. What is nomadic herding?2011 Pg.33 
  6. Name any 2 areas of high latitudes in the world,where gathering economic activities are practised.2010 Pg.32 
  7. Name the country where practically every farmer is a member of cooperative society.2008 Pg.41 10.Explain any 3 features of underground mining methods in different countries of the world.2010 Pg.42 
  8. "Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals in the world." Analyse the statement with examples.2009 Pg.38-39 
  9. Describe the way of life of nomadic herders in the world.2017 Pg.33 
  10. Classify intensive subsistence agriculture into 2 categories practised in the world.How are they different from each other.2017 Pg.36-37 
  11. Diff. B/w nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing , any 5 points of distinction.2016 Pg.33 16.Diff. B/w cooperative farming and collective farming , 5 points.2016 Pg.41 
  12. Define the term commercial livestock rearing.Explain any 4 characteristics.2015 Pg.33 
  13. Define the term mixed farming.Explain any 4 characteristics of mixed farming practised in the world.2014 Pg.38 
  14. Explain any 5 characteristics of extensive commercial grain cultivation practised in the world.2014 Pg.37-38 
  15. Explain any 5 characteristics of dairy farming in the world.2013 Pg.38-39
  16. Describe 5 characteristics of economic activities of hunting and gathering in the world.2012 Pg.31 
  17. Where is intensive subsistence agriculture practised in the world ?
  18. What is the importance of dairy farming ?
  19. Why is it mainly practised near urban and industrial centres of the world?Explain 2 reasons.2011 Pg.38-39 
  20. What is subsistence agriculture.Mention any 4 points of primitive subsistence agriculture.2011 Pg.34 And pg.36 
  21. "There is low yield per acre but high yield per person in the interior parts of semi-arid lands of the mid latitudes in the world".Support this statement with suitable examples.2009 Pg.37-38 
  22. What is the meaning of market gardening and horticulture.Describe any 4 characteristics of this type of agriculture in the world.2008 Pg.40

 Secondary Activities

  1. Why are the cotton textile industries shifting to the developed countries of the world?                                  3x1=3 

  2. What are foot loose industries?                       3x1=3

  3. Explain with suitable example any four factors which help in location of an industry in a particular region                       4 x 1 = 4

  4. What is the importance of tourism? Explain with examples the four factors of tourist attractions in the world.

  5. What are secondary activites?PG-45

  6. How is manufacturing different  in the developed and developing countries?Pg-45

  7. Distinguish between - Pg-45

    1. specialization of skills

    2. methods of production

  8. Explain the concept of manufacturing in past?what do yo understand by  the term manufacturing today?Pg-46

  9. What are the five characters of modern manufacturing?Pg-46

  10. Explain organizational structure significant of manufacturing industries?Pg-46

  11. What is a market? which regions of the world have better markets why?Pg-47

  12. Which regions of the world offers smaller market?PG-47

  13. Which industries are located near to the source of raw materials and why?Pg-47

  14. What are the factors that led to reduced dependence on labors? Pg-47

  15. Explain about the change that has taken place in relative importance of different resource of energy in relation to the industry?Pg-47

  16. Explain the impact of efficient transportation on industrial developments ? Pg-47

  17. Distinguish between –household & cottage manufacturing PG-49

  18. Explain the ………..large scale industries….? Pg-49

  19. What are the basis of large scale manufacturing ?world major industries regions may be grouped into two broad types?Pg-50

  20. What do you understand by agrobased factories?

  21. Distinguish between consumer goods industry/basic industries?Pg-51

  22. What are the three types of industries on the basis of ownership?Pg-51

  23. What are smoke stock industries?how can recognized traditional industrial region?Pg-51

  24. Explain about the important(Rurh valley)?what are the various changes that have taken place in the importance of the same through ages?Pg-51

  25. Explain about high  technology industries?Pg-51

  26. Name the rust bowl?51

  27. What are the subsectors of cotton industry?Pg-53

  28. Why is the cotton textile industry shifting to developed countries of the world?Pg-51

board questions

 1 mark question

1.Define the term technopolies. (Delhi 2016)
2.Mention any 2 problems of ruhr industrial region. (All india 2016)
3.How has the 'new ruhr' landscape emerged?(Hots, all india 2016)
4.What is a household industry?(2011)
5.Name any 2 sub-sectors of cotton textile industry in the world.(Delhi 2009)
6.What is the importance of secondary activities in the world?2009
7.Classify industries into 2 groups on the basis of metallic minerals.All india 2008

3 mark questions

8.What are the traditional large scale industrial regions?Give any 2 characteristics of them.2014
9.Describe any 3 characteristics of household industries.(Delhi 2014)
10.Give the meaning of high-tech industry .State any 2 characteristics of this industry.2013
11.Explain any 3 characteristics of modern large scale manufacturing in the world.2013,2008
12.How do secondary activities add value to natural resources?Explain with 3 egs.2012
13.Explain the process of mechanisation in modern large scale manufacturing industry in 3 points.2012
14.Explain any 3 characteristics of 'foot loose industry'.2012
15.How are technological innovations an important aspect of modern manufacturing industries?Explain any 3 aspects in this regard.Hots,2011
16.Explain the concept of 'high technology industry' with egs.2011
17.Classify industries of the world on the basis of ownership into 3 groups.State the main features of each group.2010,2008
18.Distinguish between small scale and large scale industries by stating three points of each.2009

 (5 mark questions)

19.Explain 5 factors that influence the industrial location in the world.2015,2010
20.Define the term manufacturing.Explain any 4 factors of small scale manufacturing.2014
21.Define manufacturing.Classify manufacturing industries on the basis of size into 3 categories and explain the important characteristics of each type.2013
22.Describe any 5 factors influencing industrial location in the world.2010

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

  1. What are the tertitary activites? What is the main difference between secondary & tertiary activity?Pg-53

  2. Explain the characters of a rural-Pg-57

    1. A)marketing center

    2. B)urban market centers

    3. C)retail trading services 

  3. What do you understand by trade?what are the trading centers?trading centersmay be divided into two types in term of geographical locatioin?Pg-57

  4. Explain the importance of transport . whaat are the three ways in which transport distance can be measured ?what are isochrone lines?Pg-58

  5. What are the two factors that influence transport service ?explain each?Pg-58

  6. What do understand by mass media? Pg 59

  7. Name the activity shown in the figure. Pg 59explain the nature of this activity to which sector does it belong? Pg 59

  8. What are the three types of tourism region? PG 60

  9. What are the factors that attract tourism? Pg. 60

  10. What are gold collar professions? Distinguish between (A) KPO & BPO (B)out sourcing and offsharing & home shoring ? Pg 62

  11. What is medical tourisim? Which country was emerged as leading country of medical tourism in the world ? Pg 61

  12. What do you understand by digital divide? Why does it exisist within the country? Pg 63

Chapter 7 
board questions

1mark questions.

1. Give the meaning of the digital divide.2014 

2. Define the term ‘quaternary activities’.2014, 2009

3. Define the term ‘tertiary activities’.2013

4. Give any 2 examples of tertiary activities.2012

5. Give the meaning of retail trading services.2013, 2011

6. Give any 2 examples of quaternary activities.2012, 2013

8. Define the term ‘tourism’2012

3mark questions

9. Explain any 3 characteristics of quaternary activities.2011

10. Explain any 3 characteristics of 

Periodical markets of rural areas in the world.2010

11. What are the 2 factors affecting tourism in the world? 2010

12.’Outsourcing has resulted in opening up a large number of job opportunities in several countries. Analyse the statement with 3 suitable examples.2009

13. How does the climate of a region attract tourists? Explain with examples from different regions of the world.2009

14. Compare the features of rural and urban marketing centres of the world in three points.2008 

5mark questions

15. What is tourism? Analyse any 4 tourist attractions in the world.2016

16. What is medical tourism? Explain the scope of medical services for overseas patients in India.2015

17.’Services are a very important aspect of the economic development of a country’. Analyse the statement by explaining the 5 components of a service sector.2011

Transport and Communication

  1. Explain the importance of transport. What are the three ways to measure transport distance? What are isochrone’s (lines)?  1+3+1=5

  2. Which continent has the road density as well highest number of vehicles? What can be the various urban transport solutions? 1+4=5

  3. Name the transcontinental railway line shown in the above map.

    1. How has this railway line helped in the economic development? Explain two points. 1+2=3

    2. What are the advantages of water transport? (P71). 1+2=3

  4.  Explain about the development in modern passenger liners that have revolutionized sea transport.

  5. What are the prinicipal mode of world transpoart ? Pg 65

  6. What are the three factors that influence choice of mode of transport ?

  7. State two inventions that revolutionize the transport.

  8. Name two great freight carriers ?Pg  Pg 66

  9. What are the newer development in transport ? Pg 66

  10. Name the two countries were human labour is still least? Pg 66

  11. What are the problems confronting in metal roads ? what can be effective solutions for this problem? Pg 67

  12. Which continent has the highest road density _ highest no of vehicles? Pg67

  13. Give four urban satellites. Pg 67

  14. What are the four types of railway gauges? what is the advantage of railways .what are commuter trains ? Pg 68

  15. Name the highways of Canada, America, Australia and their ends. Pg 68

  1. Name the longest highway of India. Also, name the area it connects.

  1. Describe any four features of highway of North America. Pg 68

  1. Define the term transport . Pg 68

  1. Which continent has the most dense network of railways in the world Pg 69

  1. Name 2 countries where underground railways are important 

  1. Name the railway line shown in the figure? Pg 70

  1. Name the station marked A& B. Pg 70

  1. What is the economic significance of the same ? Pg 70

  1. Name the two water bodies it connects? Pg 70

  1. Name the longest railway line of the world and name its two end points .Pg 70

  1. What are the advantages of water transpoart? Pg 71

  1. How have modern passenger liners revolutionized the transport system (marine)? Pg 72

  1. Name the most important sea route of the world explain its importance. g 7

  1. Explain about the big trunk route?(P73)

  2. What is the importance of Suez Canal / Panama Canal / coastal shipping? (74)

  3. What are the various types of inland waterway? (P75)

  4. What are the things transported by inland waterway? (P75)

  5. Why has the inland waterway lost their relative importance? (P75)

  6. How can we increase the Navigability of a river? (P76)

  7. Which is the most heavily used waterway in the world? (P76)

  8. What are the advantages of air transport? (P77)

  9. What are the various types of goods transported by pipelines? (P77)

  10. What was the first major break  through in the fields of communication?(P78)

  11. What do you understand by cyber space?(P79)

  12. Name the countries that have pioneer space research?(P79)

  13. What are the factors that influence the inland water navigation? (P75)  


1. Which country of the world has the highest road density?         All India 2017

2. Why is Asia the least developed in rail facilities? Explain anyone       All India 2017 

3. Define the term ’transport network’?      Delhi 2015

4. In which country are motorways called ‘autobahns’?       All India 2018


5. Mention the busiest ocean route in the world.       Delhi 2015


Which is the busiest sea route in the world?

6. Name the seaports on each end of the Suez Canal?    Delhi 2014

7. Define the term road density?   Delhi 2014

8. What is the meaning of cyberspace?      All India 2014

9. Name the most important inland waterways of Germany      All India 2014


10. Name the terminal stations of the ‘Australian transcontinental railway?    Delhi 2013, 2009

11. Which highway connects North America to South America?   All India 2012


12. Name the navigational canal that serves as a gateway of commerce for both the continents of Asia and Europe?     Delhi 2011

13. Give the significance of the river S.t Lawrence River as an inland waterway?     Delhi 2011

14. Name the terminal stations of the orient express railways?      All India 2011

15. Name the terminal stations of the Australian transcontinental railway?     Delhi 2009

16. Name the terminal stations of the longest railway route in the world       All India 2009

17. Which is the famous petroleum pipeline of use?         All India 2009



18. Describe any three advantages of water transport in the world?     Delhi 2013

19. Explain any three points of economic significant of ‘trans-Siberian railway’          Delhi 2013

20. What is cyberspace? Describe any 2 advantages of the internet.      Delhi 2013

21. Why is the Rhine the world's most heavily used waterways? Explain any 3 reasons     Delhi 2013

22. Mention the famous oil pipeline of the USA. How are pipelines one of the most convenient modes of transport?      Delhi 2011


23. Classify means of communication on the basis of scale and quality into 2 categories. Explain any 2 characteristics of each category.   HOTS all India 2017

24.’The Suez and the Panama Canal are two vital man-made navigational canals that serve as the gateways of commerce for both the eastern and western worlds’ in the light of the statement, explain the economic significance of the 2 canals.         HOTS; Delhi 2015

25. Trans-Canadian railway line is considered as the economic artery of Canada ‘support the statement with suitable examples      HOTS; ALL INDIA 2016

26.’The rhine waterway is the world's most heavily island waterway ‘. In the light of this statement, examine the significance of the waterway.     HOTS; ALL INDIS 2015

27. Explain the importance of ‘communication services in the world     All India 2016

28. Which means of transport is extensively used for carrying water, petroleum, natural gas, and other liquids? Describe the network of this means of transport in his world      Delhi 2015

29. Describe the journey of the developments of land transport from the days of humans as carriers and the cableways of today    HOTS; DELHI 2015

30. Name the longest trans-continental railway in the world. Describe its 4 features.       Delhi 2015

31. Which shipping canal links the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean? Explain its 4 characteristics.

       All India 2015

32. Explain any 5 characteristics of rail transport in Europe         All India 2012

33. Which is the longest transcontinental railway of North America? Describe Its 4 features.

    All India 2015

34. State any 3 characteristics of water transport. Why is traffic far less on the Cape of Good Hope route?     Delhi 2012

35. Which continent has the highest road density? Why do traffic congestions occur on road? Explain any 3 measures to solve the problem of traffic congestion      Delhi 2013

36. Explain the merits and demerits of road transport in the world?       All India 2012

37. Explain the significance of each of the transported communication services available in the world.

    Delhi 2010

38. Name the principal mode of transportation in the world which is used for carrying liquids and gaseous materials only. Mention any 4 characteristics of this mode of transportation.      Delhi Board 2010

39. What is the significance of inland waterways? Explain the three factors responsible for the development of inland waterways in the world.   All India 2010

40. What are highways? Explain the significance of highways with examples from different counties 

   All India 2009

41. What is the importance of roads? Explain three reasons for the existence of good quality roads in developed countries.   All India 2009

42. Write any 6 features of the Suez Canal  Delhi 2009

43. Mention any 6 advantages of oceanic routes.   Delhi 2009

44. Which is the busiest sea route in the world? Describe its 4 characteristics.      Delhi 2008

45. Define the term ’transcontinental railways’. Write 4 characteristics each of trans-Siberian railways and trans-Canadian railways.  Delhi 2008

46. Define the term ‘transport’. Describe any 4 features of the highways of North America.    Delhi 2008.


  1. What do you understand by barter system? Why were rare objects used as a medium of exchange? PG81

  2. What was the most initial form of trade in primitive society /

  3. What were the various rare objects used before paper currencies and coins? Why were they used? PG82

  4. What do you understand the term solarium? PG82

  5. What are the five basis of international trade? How do differences in national resources lead to trade give 3 points.(2008 BOARDS)PAGE 83

  1. How does population as a factor influence foreign trade? give 2 points Pg 83

  1. What are the three aspects of international trade? Pg 84

  2. What do you understand by balance of trade? When is it considered favorable OR unfavorable? Pg 85

  3. What are the two types of international trade? Pg 85

  4. What do you understand by most favored nations? Pg 85

  5. What do you understand by MFN?

  6. What do you understand by dumb goods? What is the impact of dumping or domestic producers? Pg 86

  7. Explain the importance of EU/CIS/NAFTA/SAFTA in international trade Pg 87

  8. Name a country of OPEC located in South America. Name the block in which India is a member. Pg 87

  9. What are the various facilities provide by a part how can the importance of a port be judged? Pg 88

  10. How can international prove to be detrimental to the nations?

  11. What is a port? What are the various facilities provided by ports? Pg 88

  12. What are the benefits of international trade? Pg 88

  13. How ports are classified in terms of traffic handle / location/specialized functions? Pg 89

  14. Why has the North Atlantic Sea Route become the busiest route in the world? Give three reasons       3 x 1 = 3

  1. Why seaports considered the gateway of international trade? Explain about any four types of ports 1+2=.

  2. State the 2 functions of world trade organisation ?(Wto) delhi 2013.16 

  3. How is ‘ barter system ‘ practiced around various tribal communities in the world ? delhi 2016 

  4. Assess the positive aspect of ‘ trade liberalisation ‘ ? hots , all india 2016 

  5. How is favourable balance of trade an indicator of economic development of a country ? all india 2016 

  6. What are naval ports? Give one example. alll india 2013 

  7. Name the regional trade bloc of which india ia a member? delhi 2010 

  8. Which city is the head quarters of the organisation of petroleum exporting countries (opec0? delhi 2010 

  9. Name the type of most of the great ports in the world? all india 2010 

  10. Categorise the international trade into 2 tyeps. all india 2010 

  11. What are the initial form of trade in the primitive society? all india 2009 

  12. Name the international organisation dealing with the global rules of trade between nations . all india 2008 

  13. 3 marks questions 

  14. Explain with example how ‘ stage of economic development’ and ‘ foreign investment’ become the basis of international trade. delhi 2013 

  15. What is free trade. Give 2 advantages of free trade. all india 2013 

  16. Why are ports called ‘ gateway international trade ‘ ? Explain any 3 reasons all india 2013 

  17. Classify ports of the world into two types of the basis of their location . Explain any 2 features of each type of ports. delhi 2010 

  18. Explain 3 aspects of international trade? all india 2010 . Delhi 2009 

  19. How is the difference in natural resources a basis of international trade? Explain with 3 examples. all india 2010 . Delhi 2009 5 marks question 

  20. ‘ In modern times international trade is the basis of the world economy ‘ support the statement with example. hots, all india 2017 

  21. Difference between bilateral trade and multilateral trade . Explain how ports are helpful in trade. delhi 2014 20.Why are ports known as ‘ gateway of international trade’ ? Explain any 3 characteristics of inland ports. all india 2014 

  22. Explain any two function of two? Why has organisation being criticised. Explain the role of world trade organisation. delhi 2014 22.Explain the 2 types of international trade. Examine any 3 possible negative imacts of globalisation along with free 5trade in the world. delhi 2013 

  23. Explain any 5 basis of international trade . delhi 2012, 2008 , all india 2012 

  24. Why are ports called gateway of international trade? Explain any 3 facilities provided by them all india 2008

 Human Settlements

  1. Explain the two types of settlements on the basis of shape 1.5+1.5=3

  2. What are the three criteria’s by census of India to classify urban areas? 1x3=3

  3. What do you understand by sub urbanization? Pg-91

  4. Explain the three criterions used to classify Rural/Urban settlements. Pg-91

  5. What are the major types of settlements on the bases of shape? Pg-92

  6. How is urban settlement described as per the census of India. Pg-92

  7. What types of settlements are present in the figures given on (page 92) and where are such settlements found? Pg. 92

  8. Distinguish between: 

  9. Compact and Nucleated settlements. Pg-92

  10. What are the various factors based on which rural settlements can be classified? Pg-92

  11. What is a wet point? Pg-93

  12. The rural settlements patterns of India based on. . Pg-93

  1. On the basis of setting:

  2. On the basis of functions:

  3. On the basis of forms or shapes of the settlements:

  1. Look at the picture and answer the following

  2. What type is the type of house shown in fig 10.4? Pg-93

  3. Where do we find such houses?

  4. Why do we build such houses?

  5. What are the causes of formation of such a pattern? Give specific reason for each. (Fig. 10.5) Pg-94

  6. What are the problems confronting rural settlement? Pg-95

  7. Explain “design and use of building materials of houses vary from one ecological region to another” Pg-95

  8. The first urban settlement to reach a population of one million was the city of-------- by around. A.D. 1810 Pg-95

  9. What are the factors that influence the classification of urban settlements? Pg-95

  10. Location of urban centers is examined with reference to their function. Discuss Pg-96

  11. How has modern technology influenced the locations of urban settlements? Pg-96

  12. In spite of towns performing multiple functions we refer to their dominant function. Discuss

  13. what are the factors that influence the location of urban settlements ?Pg 96

  14. Name any two planned cities. Pg-97

  15. What are the types of urban centers in accordance to functions? Pg-97

  1. What are the five types of urban settlements in accordance to size and service available? Pg-98

  2. Name the person associated with Pg-98

  • Conurbation 
  • Megalopolis 
  • Canberra.

  1. What are the five major problems related to urban settlements in developing countries? Pg-99

  2. What is a health city? Pg-100

  3. What steps can be taken to improve the conditions of rural population\settlements? Pg 101

  4. Identify the nature of area shown in figure 10.11 Pg 100

  5. What is such an areas called?What are the problems faced by people living in such areas (in fig10.11 

  6. Board 1 mark questions 

  7. Mention any 2 characteristics of suburbanisation ? all india 2015 

  8. Name the rural settlement pattern of the world, where there is several roads coverage. delhi 2010

  9. .Name the rural settlement pattern that develops around lakes or ponds in the world. delhi 2010 

  10. What was the percentage of urban population in the world in 2001? delhi 2010 

  11. What is the meaning of rural settlement ? all india 2008 

  12. 3 marks question 

  13. ’There is no consensus on what exactly defines a town or village ‘ analyse the statement by using different criteria . Hots,delhi 2016 

  14. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the location of rural settlement in the world. delhi 2015 

  15. Explain with examples the ‘ population size’ criteria used by most countries to define urban area. all india 2015’ 

  16. Explain with examples any 3 features of rural settlement of the world. delhi 2010 

  17. 5 marks question 

  18. Describe any 5 patterns of rural settlement in the world on the basis of forms and shapes. delhi 2014, delhi 2019, delhi 2011 

  19. Explain any 5 major problems of the rural settlement in the developing countries of the world? all india 2014, 2012, delhi 2012 , 

  20. Explain any 5 factors that affect the location of rural settlements in the world. delhi 2013,12,08 

  21. Name the 5 types of urban settlement in the world . Write one main feature of each type. all india 2008. 

  22. Classify human settlement of the world into 2 types by their shapes. Explain any 2 features of each. hots; all india 2012 

  23. What are rural settlements ? What are the 2 types of rural settlements in the world? How are they different from each other ? Give 3 points of distinction. delhi 2011 

  24. Explain any 5 major environmental problems related to urban settlements in the developing countries . delhi 2009 

  25. Classify human settlements of the world into 2 categories . Mention 4 categories of each all india 2009 

  26. Depending on the size and the services available and function rendered urban centres are classified five types. discuss

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side, Hidden in the dark, How dark must be the darkness, Of the people  who appear to be dark. Wash yourself of all mal...